Hutnak Hydrologic Consultant Services Cost Estimate
Task   Task Description     Hours Rate ($/hr) Cost
1 Assemble data sets from Monterey County 30 50 $1,500
2 Compile comprehensive database of well logs. 40 50 $2,000
3 Populate database with lithology, pump test, 180 50 $9,000
water level, and water chemistry.
4 Compile water production volumes for wells within  50 50 $2,500
study area.
4 Create geographic database with well locations. 30 50 $1,500
5 Perform geostastical analysis of well pump data 50 50 $2,500
to identify "hot spots" where low scoring wells
6 Identify possible monitoring locations in or near 40 50 $2,000
"hot spots."
7 Map outcrops and compile geologic data for areas 40 50 $2,000
with low scoring drawdown ratios.
8 Design monitoring network for fractured rock areas. 50 50 $2,500
9 Compose letter report summarizing findings and 
implimentation of monitoring network. 20 50 $1,000
530 $26,500