Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

June 30, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. in the District conference room.


Committee members present: Regina Doyle, Chair

                                             Kristi Markey

                                             David Pendergrass


District staff members present:     Darby Fuerst, General Manger

                                                   Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager               

                                                   Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Provide Direction to Staff on Public Outreach Following the California Public Utilities Commission Public Participation Hearings on the Regional Water Project

            On a motion by Director Markey, the committee voted 2 – 1 to draft an editorial for publication in the Monterey County Herald that would: (1) clarify that the District was created for Carmel River management, but also has the authority to develop a water supply project; (2) assert that the District represents all persons within its boundary; (3) promote the success of the Phase 1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project; and (4) reiterate that the District has been actively involved with water development, and that the community voted-down construction of two District sponsored dams and a seawater desalination project.  Directors Markey and Doyle approved the motion.  Director Pendergrass was opposed.  It was agreed that the letter should be published without delay.  Staff was directed to prepare the letter, distribute it by email to the Board members, and request that comments be submitted to the General Manager.  If Directors raised objections to publication of the editorial, the text would be presented at the July 19, 2010 Board meeting for review and approval.  During the discussion, the committee also requested that staff begin work on an update to the general information brochure titled Managing the Water Supply and Protecting the Environment on the Monterey Peninsula.


Discussion Item

2.         Update on Status of Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SWRCB Cease and Desist Order WR 2009-0060

            The committee reviewed the Frequently Asked Questions document and suggested changes, with a focus on changing the order of the questions so that the most commonly asked questions will be placed at the beginning of the document.  Staff will revise the document per direction of the committee and post the amended version to the MPWMD website.


3.         Discuss Revitalization of District Website and Provide Direction on Having CSUMB Student Undertake the Effort

            The committee expressed support for the staff proposal to contact California State University Monterey Bay about identifying a student who would be interested in developing a redesign of the District’s website as a capstone project. The District would be under no obligation to apply the design to its website.  The committee requested that any permanent website redesign be accomplished in consultation with the District’s Chief Technology Officer.


Other Items

The committee briefly discussed a request by the Association of California Water Agencies that the District participate in the Centennial Sponsorship Program that will promote the organization’s 100th anniversary.  The committee requested that the issue be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.


Schedule July 2010 Committee Meeting Date

The committee agreed to meet on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 4 PM.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5 p.m. 



