Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

February 22, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Regina Doyle, Chair

                                                            Kristi Markey (arrived at 9:15 AM)

                                                            David Pendergrass


District staff members present:               Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                                            Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Others present:                                     Catherine Bowie, California American Water


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of January 29, 2010 Committee Meeting

            On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Doyle, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 2 – 0.  Director Markey was not present for the vote.


2.         Consider Sponsorship of Cistern Workshops by the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association

            Director Markey offered a motion that was seconded by Director Pendergrass to recommend that the Board of Directors authorize an expenditure of $6,000 to conduct the workshops.  The District should sponsor the Level 100 workshop at $25 per person, and sponsor the Level 200 workshop at $125 per person.  The consultant should provide information that is relevant to the Monterey Peninsula considering local average rainfall levels.  In addition, the consultant should provide information on storage tanks, equipment and technologies that can be purchased for cistern construction.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


Discussion Items

3.         Discuss Format for 2009 MPWMD Annual Report

            The committee agreed that the 2009 MPWMD Annual Report should meet the requirements outlined in the District’s enabling legislation.  At the end of 2010, a newsletter could be developed that summarizes the District’s accomplishments for that year.


4.         Discuss MPWMD Action to Reduce Water Use During US Open Golf Tournament

            Ms. Bowie explained that California American Water (Cal-Am) is required to submit to the Public Utilities Commission a plan for reducing water use during the US Open.  Cal- Am is proposing to contact large water users and ask them to reduce water use during peak days of the tournament.  The monthly allotments for water users that agree to participate in the program could be spread out over the year, so that water not used during one month could be applied to water needs in another month.  These customers would be required to maintain water consumption within their annual allotments. The committee expressed agreement with this concept, with the understanding that the District will have the opportunity to provide formal comments on any plan submitted to the PUC.  Ms. Pintar said that she would meet with representatives from the US Open and determine how water use could be reduced during the tournament.  One suggestion was to cut back on washing cars that are used for the event.


5.         Discuss Public Outreach Regarding the Proposed MRWPCA Groundwater Replenishment Project

            The committee requested that staff contact Lois Humphreys, a consultant to the MRWPCA on the Groundwater Replenishment Project (GRP), and ask her to speak at the next committee meeting on the project and address ways to introduce to the public the concept of purified recycled wastewater for potable use. Staff should also invite to the meeting representatives from public interest groups, so they can learn about the GRP and inform their organizations about the project.  The committee members offered to provide District staff with the names of public interest group representatives that should be invited to the meeting.


6.         Review Upcoming District Events and Activities

            Ms. Pintar reviewed a list of events that the District will participate in to promote water conservation including:  March 20, 2010 City of Monterey Cutting Day; April 22, 2010 Earth Day at Monterey Peninsula College; and April 24 through 27, 2010 Association of Landscape Professionals conference in Monterey, Ms. Pintar will be a panelist and speaker.  It was suggested that the District should be present at the August 27, 2010 Sand City West End event.


Schedule March 2010 Committee Meeting Date

The meeting was tentatively set for either Tuesday, March 23 or Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 4 PM.  The final date would be based on Ms. Humphreys’ availability.  



The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.  


