Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

January 29, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 AM in the District conference room.


Committee members present: Regina Doyle, Chair

                                                            Kristi Markey

                                                            David Pendergrass


District staff members present:           Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Others present:                                    Karen Harris, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of December 10, 2009Committee Meeting

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Pendergrass, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.  


2.         Develop Recommendation to the Board on Selection of New MPWMD Logo

            The committee recommended that the Board approve the proposed logo design in the colors of aqua blue and green.


3.         Consider Recommendation to Support May 2010 Monterey County Water Awareness Day Event

            On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Markey, the committee recommended that the Board of Directors approve an expenditure of $5,000 to sponsor the Water Awareness Day event.


4.         Consider Sponsorship of Cistern Workshops

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Doyle, the committee expressed support for the concept of sponsoring cistern workshops, and directed staff to bring this back to the committee when information on costs is available.  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


Discussion Items

5.         Review District Sponsorship of Spanish Interpreter for Advanced Green Gardener Course in Monterey

            There was consensus among committee members that the District should sponsor the cost of a Spanish language interpreter.


6.         Discuss Offering Green Gardener Scholarships for MPWMD Gardeners

            The committee members expressed support for offering a Green Gardener Scholarship.  It was suggested that the scholarship could be named after Woody Woodworth, if his family has no objections.  In addition, scholarship recipients could be required to provide 15 hours of volunteer work in exchange for the scholarship, and the recipients should work on the Peninsula and reside legally in the U.S.


7.         Review District Participation in Sponsorship of Landscape Irrigation Courses by Pacific Water Management

            The committee discussed this item.  No recommendation was developed.


8.         Review District Participation in Sponsorship of Local Water Conservation Video and Theater Ads with Marina Coast Water District

            There was consensus among the committee members that the District should allocate $2,000 towards half the cost of producing a local conservation video in cooperation with the Marina Coast Water District, and that the video must represent the District and MCWD equally.  There was also some discussion of developing slides that promote the water conservation message for display in local movie theatres, and including water saving tips for renters.


9.         Discuss Public Outreach Regarding the Proposed MRWPCA Groundwater Replenishment Project

            The committee members expressed support for beginning as soon as possible to educate the public about groundwater replenishment.  One upcoming opportunity would be to provide information in the MPWMD booth at the May Water Awareness Day event.  It was also suggested that the MRWPCA could provide information at its booth.  Ms. Harris stated that the MRWPCA Board would need to approve that.


Schedule February 2010 Committee Meeting Date

            The meeting was set for Monday, February 22, 2010 at 9 AM.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 AM.  


