
CONSIDER Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for the Maintenance of the Fish rescue truck


Meeting Date:

February 25, 2010


Funds are available and a line item will be added for this item in the 2010 Mid-Year Budget adjustment.



Darby Fuerst,

General Manager


Line Item No.:

Aquatic Resources/ Fisheries  2-3-1 A


Prepared By:

Beverly Chaney

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review: N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee considered this item on February 12, 2010 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The District’s fish rescue truck “Big Red” is a vital component for both annual summer fish rescues and the release of fish from the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility (SHSRF) in the winter.  This truck carries the large fish transport tank needed to transport steelhead between the river and the Facility and has been in operation since 2003.   Salt is added to the tank water during transport to keep stress and infection levels down in the fish.  This water frequently splashes out during transport and fish removal.  During the 2009 rescue season, staff began to notice rust forming in the truck bed and along the frame and utility boxes.  By the time all the fish were released from the Facility in November, the metal tank tie-downs were severely corroded and could no longer safely hold the tank down and the back end of the truck bed had severe rust going under the Rhino bed-liner.  Although the repair is unlikely to be permanent, as rust typically returns in time, failure to repair this damage may render the truck both unsafe and unusable during the upcoming fish rescue season.  Repairs need to be completed during the winter off-season.


After making several calls and visiting several local body shops, staff received a quote from Mark’s Barn Auto Body, in Sand City for $5,815.  The shop would: 1) remove the bed liner from the rusted areas, 2) remove and replace the damaged rusted metal areas from the bed and utility boxes, 3) fabricate new tank supports, and 4) prime and refinish the truck bed and boxes.  The quote does not include repairing the bed liner; this would be an additional cost at a different shop.


There is no separate line item for this repair, but since the truck is critical for both fish rescues and the operation of the Facility, funds needed for the truck repair will come out of the Facility’s General Operations and Maintenance budget under the Sleepy Hollow Facility Operations line item of the District’s Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the District Board authorize expenditure of budgeted funds in a not-to-exceed amount of $5,900 for the repair of the fish rescue truck by the local vendor in Sand City. 


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  The 2009-2010 Budget includes $45,500 for General operations and maintenance of SHSRF (Line Item 2-3-1 A).  To date, approximately $10,489 has been spent from this fund, and staff estimates $9,400 is available due to the Facility being shut down in November.   The money needed, up to $5,900, will be covered by the fund for General operations and maintenance of SHSRF (Line Item 2-3-1 A). 






