


Meeting Date:

December 14, 2009





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Darby Fuerst

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  District Rule 162 specifies the regulatory water production targets that are used in the District’s Expanded Water Conservation and Standby Rationing Plan to trigger higher stages of water conservation to ensure California American Water (CAW or Cal-Am) compliance with the production limits set by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order 95-10 and the Seaside Groundwater Basin adjudication decision, as amended.  Specifically, Table XV-1 in Exhibit 10-A specifies monthly and year-to-date at month-end targets for all CAW systems that derive their source of supply from the Monterey Peninsula Water Resource System (MPWRS).  Similarly, Table XV-2 in Exhibit 10-A breaks out monthly and year-to-date at month-end targets for CAW systems that derive their source of supply from the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Groundwater Basin, which is part of the MPWRS.


Rule 162 authorizes modifications to Tables XV-1 and XV-2 to account for changes in the amount of water that CAW is allowed to divert from the Carmel River System under SWRCB Order 95-10 and the amount of water that CAW is allowed to produce from the Seaside Groundwater Basin under the Seaside Basin Decision, as administered by the Seaside Basin Watermaster.  Any modifications to these tables must be made by Board resolution.


On December 2, 2009, the Seaside Basin Watermaster Board approved a 10% reduction in the operating yield of the Seaside Basin for the October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010 period (Exhibit 10-B).   This reduction had been ordered by the Court in the adjudication decision that was issued in March 2006 and amended in February 2007, and will occur every three years until the operating yield is equivalent to the natural safe yield, or replenishment supplies are developed.  The 10% reduction in the basin operating yield requires CAW to reduce its pumping from the Coastal Subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin by an additional 104 acre-feet (AF) in Water Year (WY) 2010.  Similarly, the 10% reduction in the basin operating yield requires CAW to reduce its pumping from the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Groundwater Basin by an additional 25 AF in WY 2010.  In addition, the Seaside Basin Watermaster Board recognized a “carryover credit” of 496 AF for Cal-Am from WY 2009.  This amount is included in Cal-Am’s production allocation from the Coastal Subareas of the basin, i.e., 3,582.5 AF, in WY 2010.   


Resolution 2009-17 (Exhibit 10-A) modifies Table XV-1 and XV-2 of Rule 162 to account for the 10% reduction in the Seaside Basin operating yield and inclusion of the 496 AF carryover credit from WY 2009 that was approved by the Seaside Watermaster Board on December 2, 2009, for WY 2010.


Note that the recommended changes do not include any revisions to Cal-Am’s production targets due to State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order WR 2009-0060 that was adopted by the SWRCB on October 20, 2009, and was stayed by the Monterey County Superior Court on November 3, 2009.  For illustration purposes, the reductions in Cal-Am’s diversions from the Carmel River specified in Order WR 2009-0060 are shown in the tables included as Exhibit 10-C. These tables, i.e., Tables XV-4 and XV-5, will be used by staff to track Cal-Am’s actual production compared to the proposed reductions in Order WR 2009-0060.       


RECOMMENDATION:  District staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2009-17 (Exhibit 10-A) modifying Rule 162.



10-A    Resolution 2009-17 Modifying Rule 162 – Regulatory Water Production Targets for California American Water Systems

10-B    Item VIII.B, Declaration of No Replenishment Water Available for Water Year 2010, Seaside Groundwater Basin Watermaster Board packet dated December 2, 2009

10-C    Example Regulatory Water Production Targets for California American Water Systems in Water Year 2010, based on SWRCB Order WR 2009-0060



