Monthly California American Water Diversions from the Carmel River and Seaside Groundwater Basins: Water Year 2009
(All Values in Acre-Feet)
Water   Reported Production By Source    Total Production by Systems   Target Production by Systems Monthly Year-to-Date
Year Carmel River Seaside Groundwater Basin Main Laguna Seca Main Laguna Seca MPWRS MPWRS MPWRS MPWRS Diffference
2009   Basin   Coastal Laguna Seca   System Subsystems   System Subsystems Target Reported Target Reported AF %
14,789 14,476 % Diff crb.1 crb.2 ytd scs ytd main ytd
Oct-08 853 394 51 1,247 51 1,314 27 1,341 1,298 1,341 1,298 43 3.19% Oct-08 1,343 1,314 0.0216 893 874 874 440 440 1,314 1,314 1,314
Nov-08 648 311 38 959 38 1,036 18 1,054 997 2,395 2,295 100 4.16% Nov-08 1,059 1,036 0.0217 659 645 1,518 390 831 1,035 2,349 2,350
Dec-08 606 252 30 858 30 954 15 969 888 3,364 3,184 180 5.36% Dec-08 975 954 0.0215 625 612 2,130 342 1,173 954 3,303 3,304
Jan-09 871 0 29 871 29 925 13 938 900 4,302 4,084 218 5.08% Jan-09 945 925 0.0212 945 925 3,055 0 1,173 925 4,228 4,229
Feb-09 731 0 21 731 21 846 11 857 752 5,159 4,835 324 6.28% Feb-09 864 845 0.0220 864 845 3,900 0 1,173 845 5,073 5,075
Mar-09 831 0 26 831 26 971 15 986 857 6,145 5,692 453 7.37% Mar-09 992 971 0.0212 993 972 4,872 0 1,173 972 6,045 6,046
Apr-09 961 115 41 1,076 41 1,077 19 1,096 1,117 7,241 6,809 432 5.97% Apr-09 1,100 1,077 0.0209 850 832 5,704 245 1,418 1,077 7,122 7,123
May-09 949 215 47 1,164 47 1,361 26 1,387 1,211 8,628 8,020 608 7.05% May-09 1,390 1,361 0.0209 1,090 1,067 6,771 294 1,712 1,361 8,483 8,484
Jun-09 886 303 52 1,189 52 1,452 30 1,482 1,241 10,110 9,261 849 8.40% Jun-09 1,483 1,452 0.0209 983 962 7,734 490 2,201 1,452 9,935 9,936
Jul-09 979 309 62 1,288 62 1,563 33 1,596 1,350 11,706 10,611 1,095 9.36% Jul-09 1,597 1,563 0.0213 1,002 981 8,715 582 2,783 1,563 11,498 11,499
Aug-09 1,077 230 60 1,307 60 1,558 33 1,591 1,367 13,297 11,977 1,320 9.92% Aug-09 1,591 1,558 0.0207 1,285 10,000 273 3,056 1,558 13,056 13,057
Sep-09 1,419 31 1,450 Sep-09 1,450 1,420 0.0207 1,285 11,285 135 3,191 1,420 14,476 14,476
Total    9,392   2,129 456   11,521 456   14,476 271
14,789 14,476 0.0212 8,904 11,285 3,191 14,476
Source: California American Water 14,747
Text Box: Notes:
1. Under SWRCB Order No. WR 95-10, Cal-Am is limited to 11,285 acre-feet of diversions from the Carmel River Basin in WY 2009.
2. Under the Seaside Basin Adjudication Decision, Cal-Am is limited to 3,191 acre-feet of diversions from the Coastal Subareas and 271 acre-feet of diversions from the Laguna Seca Subarea of the Seaside Groundwater Basin for a total diversion limit of 3,462 acre-feet in WY 2009, as modified by the Seaside Basin Watermaster in May 2009
3. Carmel River diversions are reduced for diversions that are injected into the Seaside Groundwater Basin as part of the Phase 1 ASR Project.  Similarly, Seaside Basin diversions are reduced for diversions made to recover water from the Seaside Basin as part of the Phase 1 ASR Project 
4. During WY 2009,  182 AF of water  were diverted from the Carmel River Basin for injection into the Seaside Groundwater Basin and 122 acre-feet of stored water have been diverted from the Seaside Basin as part of the Phase 1 ASR Project. Note that the amount of water diverted for injection is based on the  MPWMD meter reading at the Phase 1 ASR site.