California American Water Main Distribution System    
  Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget: April - June 2009     
  Proposed Production Targets by Source and Projected Use in Acre-Feet    
    Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09   Oct-08 - Feb-09 Percent    
  San Clemente Reservoir 0 0 0   0 0.0%    
  Carmel Valley Aquifer            
          Upper Subunits 30 31 30   109 2.3%    
          Lower Subunits 885 1,059 953   3,649 77.4%    
  Seaside Groundwater Basin            
          Coastal Subareas 250 300 500   957 20.3%    
          Phase 1 ASR Recovery 0 0 0   0 0.0%    
  Total 1,165 1,390 1,483          
         Customer Service 1,100 1,390 1,483   4,652      
         Phase 1 ASR Injection 65 0 0   63      
  Total 1,165 1,390 1,483   4,715 100.0%    
  Text Box: Notes:
1.  The budget reflects "dry year" inflow conditions and assumes that the monthly unimpaired inflows at the San Clemente Dam site during the March-June 2009 period will equal the 75% exceedence flows, i.e., 4,511, 2,775, 1,395, and  552 AF, respectively. The exceedence values are based on simulated flows for the 1902-2008 period of record.  
2.  The annual budget period corresponds to the Water Year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following Calendar Year.
3.  Total monthly production for "Customer Service" in CAW's main system was calculated by multiplying total annual production (14,789 AF) times the average percentage of annual production for April, May, and June (7.44%, 9.40%, and 10.03%, respectively).  The annual production total was based on the assumption that production from the Coastal Subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin would not exceed 3,504 AF and production from Carmel River sources would not exceed 11,285 AF in WY 2009.  These values could change pending potential regulatory actions in 2009.  The average production percentages were based on monthly data for customer service from WY 1998 to 2007.
4. Anticipated production for "Phase 1 ASR Injection" is based on an average diversion rate of approximately 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) or 4.4 AF per day from CAW's sources in the Carmel River Basin. "Total" monthly CAW "Use" includes water for customer service and water for injection into the Seaside Basin. 
5.  No surface water diversions from San Clemente Reservoir are assumed for this period based on concerns regarding water quality (elevated turbidity) and lowered water levels in June required by the Division of Dam Safety as part of the San Clemente Reservoir Drawdown Project.
6. The production targets for CAW's wells in the Upper Carmel Valley are based on  minimum production from these wells for these months, i.e., 0.5 cfs or 1.0 AF per day.  
7.  The production targets for CAW's wells in the Coastal Subareas of the Seaside Basin are based on the need to allow sufficient time for  CAW's to pump its full Standard Production Allocation during the remainder of WY 2009, i.e., 1,050 AF in the April-June quarter and  1,496 AF in the July-September quarter.