Joint Meeting of the

Policy Advisory Committee and the

Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

January 9, 2007



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM.


Committee Members Present

City of Carmel-by-the-Sea    PAC:    Paula Hazdovac, Vice Mayor  TAC:    Sean Conroy

City of Del Rey Oaks           PAC:    Joe Russell, Mayor                  TAC:    Ron Langford

City of Monterey                  PAC:    Jeff Haferman, Vice Mayor     TAC:    Chip Rerig

City of Pacific Grove            PAC:    Dan Cort, Mayor                      TAC:    Jim Colangelo

City of Sand City                  PAC:    David Pendergrass, Mayor       TAC:    Steve Matarazzo

City of Seaside                     PAC:    Ralph Rubio, Mayor                TAC:    Diana Ingersoll

County of Monterey             PAC:    Absent                                     TAC:    Al Mulholland  

Monterey Peninsula              PAC:    Leonard McIntosh, Director     TAC:    Absent

Airport District                     


Committee Members Absent

County of Monterey             PAC:    David Potter

Monterey Peninsula              TAC:    Thomas Greer

Airport District


District Staff Members Present:

David Berger, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present: 

David Laredo


Comments from the Public

No comments were directed to the committee.


Action Items

1.                  Receive Minutes of the September 26 and December 6, 2005 Committee Meetings

On a motion by Hazdovac and second by Russell, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 13-0.  Haferman abstained from voting. 


2.         Receive Presentations on Proposed Yield Targets to Satisfy Existing and Future Water Needs of the Monterey Peninsula

            Darby Fuerst presented an analysis of the target yield for existing water needs and responded to questions.  Stephanie Pintar presented an analysis of future water needs targets and responded to questions. The committee discussed the issues and confirmed their previous (September 26, 2005) endorsement of the 4,500 AFY (rounded from 4,445) proposed future yield target.  The 12,500 AFA current replacement target was referred to the TAC for more in-depth review and development of a recommendation for presentation to the MPWMD by March 2007. 


            During the public comment period the following comments were received.  (1) Eric Zigas, Environmental Sciences Associates, stated that it is important that a decision be made by March, so that information on water project yield can be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Report on the Coastal Water Project.  (2) Steve Kasower,  University of California Santa Cruz, representing the Division of Ratepayer Advocates of the Public Utilities Commission.  He urged the jurisdictions to cooperate on reaching a decision, and encouraged the jurisdictions to participate in the January 31, 2007 meeting of the Regional Plenary Oversight Group that is focused on development of a cost-effective regional water supply solution.


Comments by Technical and Policy Advisory Committee Members

No comments.  Discussion occurred during Action Item 2.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.






