Regional Priorities based on MBNMS Comparative Analysis of

the Six Central Coast IRWMPs








Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and

South Monterey IRWMP Region





1.1 Regional Agriculture Water Quality Programs – program to improve food safety, understanding of nitrates and use of fertilizers

Low – agricultural land use in the planning region is low


1.2 Data and Monitoring Efforts – includes regional collaboration on a database, possible real-time stormwater monitoring.

Med – suggest consideration of funding a mobile stormwater lab – could be used in discriminating between natural and anthropogenic sources

1.3 Sediment and Erosion programs – assist road associations, private road owners to reduce erosion

High – will benefit fisheries restoration (one of five planning region priorities)

1.4 Water Quality public education – education programs and materials


1.5 Integrated Pest Management – reduce use of pesticides near riparian areas

Low – NPDES permit process already requires reduction?

1.6 Microbial Source Tracking – monitoring along beaches, expand on pathogen research


1.7 Permit Coordination – this is a suggestion – reduce permit acquisition costs and enhance projects with a coordinated process among federal, state, and local agencies

IRWM Plans by MCWRA and MPWMD did not include description of existing permit coordination – develop a program to streamline permits for Prop. 84/1E funded projects?



2.1 Water Conservation – public outreach in urban and agricultural areas, evaluate effectiveness of conservation programs

High – several agencies have programs, but are they effective and can they be improved?

2.2 Desalination – implement MBNMS Desalination Action Plan (evaluate regional vs. local sites, recommend measures to minimize impacts)

High – one of five regional priorities

2.3 Reclaimed water – this is a suggestion – this program would support information exchange among agencies and research into new technologies to reduce costs




3.1 Non-native vegetation eradication – prioritize areas for removal and implement removal program

Low   Suggest broader program to include non-native fauna?

3.2 Fisheries enhancement – restore steelhead habitat, prioritize areas for restoration  

High – regional priority

3.3 Water Demand Research – determine water requirements to maintain ecosystems


3.4 Watershed Education – combine existing programs


3.5 Watershed Management plans – support emerging groups in assessing watersheds

Low – largest watershed (Carmel R.) has one, ASBS watershed areas to be assessed under 7.3



3.6 Wildlife Habitat Corridors – create along entire Central Coast

High – probably good support for this from the public, including non-profit groups.  Long recognized as a critical need to maintain species diversity.



4.1 Ground water public outreach – for protection water resources

Low – influence of general public on groundwater quality not demonstrated locally.

4.2 Ordinance Effectiveness Study – research into implementing groundwater ordinances across the Central Coast


4.3 Surface/groundwater optimization – another suggestion – this would be for funds to use computer modeling to optimize existing resources and test various strategies to increase quantity/quality.




5.1 Flood Management plan – help prioritize projects by identifying constraints.  Look at integrating projects to obtain multiple benefits.

High in terms of regional priority.  Need to identify CC priorities for Prop. 1E?



6.1 Central Coast Wetland Working Group

Low – local agencies can offer staff resources for this without diverting funds away from projects.



7.1  Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities – provide assistance and institutional structures to DACs


7.2  Climate Change – study effects of climate change on Central Coast

Low – should be carried out at state and federal level

7.3  Special Protected Areas – conduct watershed assessments, develop action plans

High – regional priority – applies to ASBS



