Exhibit 2-A


California Conservation Corps & NOAA Restoration Center Partnership

Project Proposal Application Form



I. Project Information

A. Project Name: Esquiline Road Bridge (Robles del Rio) Concrete Abutment Removal

B. Project Location: Carmel Valley, CA, Monterey County, (36.480 Latitude and -121.730 Longitude) Carmel River, River Mile 14.4

·        Please attach local maps delineating the precise project location:

C. Watershed/River Basin; D. Rivermile; (Please email map of site and river mile info)

E. Types of habitat to be restored; Steelhead spawning habitat

F. Project Start Date; September 15, 2008

G. Project End Date; September 23, 2008

H. Submission Date; July 15, 2008


II. Applicant Information:

A. Organization: California Conservation Corps

B. Address of Organization; 757 Green Valley Rd. Watsonville, CA 95076

C. Organization Web Page Address; www.ccc.ca.gov


III. Project Contact

A. Project Officer; Brenda Herrmann

B. Title; Conservation Administrator

C. Address of Contact (same as above)

D. Phone; (831) 768-0150

E. Fax; 831 768-0168

F. Email; Brenda.herrmann@ccc.ca.gov

G. Contact Web Page Address N/A


IV. Funds requested

A.     Total Amount $10,260.

B.  Matching Amount from MPWMD $6,535 (pending approval of MPWMD Board)


V. Site History and Objectives of project

A large concrete slab/abutment (14 feet long, 6.5 feet wide, and 1.3 feet thick) is located in the low flow channel of the Carmel River  (Esquiline Bridge (Robles del Rio) area: approximately at River Mile 14.4). This slab/abutment is associated with an old bridge that has been removed and updated.  This remnant abutment impacts a historical spawning area by preventing streambed access for steelhead, and essentially covers up its associated gravel bar.


This concrete abutment also presents a safety hazard for recreational boaters that often encounter this obstruction during high flow, some of which contains sharp protruding metal.


In addition, the remnant concrete abutment limits the rivers ability to convey high flows especially if it anchors or prevent debris piles from passing through the system. For these reasons the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) would like to remove it.


B.     Describe the site location, history and fisheries resources: According to Dave Dettman (retired Senior Fisheries Biologist at MPWMD) this area has traditionally been a steelhead spawning area with numerous redds (steelhead nests). Once this concrete abutment occupied the area after bridge replacement a lack of spawning downstream of the bridge has been observed.



C.     Objectives: Increased spawning potential and removal of potential safety hazard.


VI. Project Description: needs and benefits

A.     Describe the specific resource, benefits to fisheries resources including salmonids, coastal wetland and riparian habitat, water quality, and other ecological functions the project will address. List any threatened or endangered species the project will benefit. Removing the abutment will increase access to the streambed for steelhead and allow the river to create its own natural sequence of pools and riffles in this area without the influence of the concrete slab.


B.     Methodology:  It is anticipated that a crew of ten California Conservation Corps members will work for six days using an air compressor and two jack hammers to break up the concrete abutment. Rebar will be encountered during the process and will need to be cut. Concrete will then be hauled out of the channel and disposed of at the local landfill. MPWMD staff will provide logistical support such as towing and setting up the compressor trailer as well as the necessary labor for successful project completion.


Describe, in detail, the exact role of the California Conservation Corps and duration of work for the Corp crew;


·        Include any maps and site plans showing the existing conditions and the proposed actions (may be hand-drawings) Identify the specific measures of success (i.e., acres of habitat restored or created, number of stream or river miles restored, number of trees or shrubs planted, linear miles of fencing installed)   Explain if the project is part of a larger regional watershed plan and/or local effort and how the project will benefit the watershed.


The following picture shows the historical bridge abutment to be broken up and removed.



C.     List other project partners and community groups actively involved with the project Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD)


D.     List all Federal, state and local permits obtained or consultations initiated. If none have been initiated, list the reasons why no permits have been requested. The project will fall under the MPWMD’s Routine Maintenance Agreement (R3-2002-0134) with the California Department of Fish and Game and will be covered under the MPWMD’s Regional General Permit (No. 24460S) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


E.      Describe the monitoring and maintenance plans and duration to ensure long-term project success. Photo monitoring and redd counts will take place for a period of three years to see if spawning increases in the area.


F.      Describe any outreach or educational activities (i.e., training, brochures, videos, school involvement or press events) related to the project






VII. Budget  -


A. Funds Requested $10,260


















B. Matching Contributions

Equipment / Staff



Total per Day

Total for Week

Compressor Trailer










Jack hammer










Cutoff Saw





Saw Blade





   Equipment Subtotal










Riparian Projects Coordinator

20 hrs

$85 per hr



River Maintenance Specialist

20 hrs

$59 per hr



River Maintenance Worker

20 hrs

$58 per hr



Field Biology Assistant

10 hrs

$46 per hr



   Staff Subtotal










Total from MPWMD






D.    Total Project Cost = $16,795



