Community Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 3, 2008



Members Present:

Janet Brennan - League of Women Voters; Paul Bruno - Water For Us; David Dilworth – Helping Our Peninsula’s Environment (HOPE); Tom Rowley – Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association; George Riley – Green Party;  Ron Chesshire; Bruce Crist; Peter Dausen; Robert Greenwood; Lance Monosoff; John Tilley


Members Absent:  Roy Thomas – Carmel River Steelhead Association; Manuel Fierro; Greg Pickens


District Staff Present:  Darby Fuerst – General Manager; Andy Bell – Planning and Engineering Division Manager; Stephanie Pintar – Water Demand Division Manager; Arlene Tavani – Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present:  David Laredo


1.         Call to Order

            The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM in the Conference Room of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.


2.         Comments from Public

            No comments.


3.         Review Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Charge, Meeting Procedures and Committee Report Development

            Darby Fuerst reviewed these items with the committee.  No changes were requested by the committee members.  There were no comments from the public on this item.


4.         Discuss and Identify Potential Impacts on the Community that could Occur if the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Adopts the Draft Cease and Desist Order (Draft CDO) that its Staff Issued on January 15, 2008 against California American Water

            Each committee member in attendance provided input on the potential positive and negative impacts of the draft CDO.   Their comments are summarized on Attachment 1.  There were no comments from the public on this item.


5.         Develop Recommendation to the District Board on Strategies to Address Negative Impacts of the Draft Cease and Desist Order

            Each committee member in attendance commented on strategies to address the potential negative impacts of the draft CDO should it be adopted by the SWRCB.  The committee requested that the preliminary list of their comments be emailed to each participant for review (refer to Attachment 1).  Comments should be forwarded to the District, so the list can be modified for presentation at the upcoming April 9 meeting. It was agreed that the April 9 meeting would convene at 1 PM instead of 2 PM, as was originally scheduled.  On April 9 the committee will: (1) review and streamline the preliminary list, and (2) begin development of a final report and recommendation to the Board on strategies to address the potential negative impacts of the draft CDO.  The committee also discussed the need to appoint a sub-committee to develop the final report. An additional meeting date of April 11, 2008, at 10 AM was scheduled, in the event that more time is needed to develop the final report to the Board of Directors.   There were no comments from the public on this item.


6.         Adjourn

            The meeting was adjourned at 1 PM.


Note:  An audio recording of the meeting is available for review and copies can be purchased.  Contact Arlene Tavani at 658-5652 or arlene@mpwmd.dst.ca.us. 









