Team Safety Meeting

October 12, 2007



-  The meeting was called to order at 9:40 am in the CFO’s Office -


                        MEMBERS PRESENT:                        Michael Boles, Rick Dickhaut, Matt Lyons, Cynthia Schmidlin


                        MEMBERS ABSENT:                          Joe Oliver




                OLD BUSINESS    


    A.    Follow-up to March 9th Safety Inspection Report on 2nd Floor Storage Room. Joe Oliver was not able to attend this meeting, but he reported to Cynthia that he went through the file room and identified materials that could be archived or discarded.  He would like to store the remaining, six boxes of Water Resources files in the room.  Since there is no storage space in the file cabinets, Joe is requesting that they be placed in secured shelves attached to the wall over the cabinets. Rick stated that June Silva removed the 9 boxes of ASD-related files.  The only ASD-related files remaining in the room are Board Packets stored in the 3-drawer cabinets.  Henrietta Stern told Cynthia that Planning and Engineering staff began sorting through the files in the storage room, but have not been able to complete the task due to other priorities taking precedence. As a result much of the housekeeping issues remain. Therefore, as discussed previously, a memo will be written to the General Manager presenting the issue to him for resolution.




A.    SDRMA Safety Recognition at CSDA Conference: Cynthia reported that she had attended the California Special Districts Association conference in Monterey and accepted a safety recognition award on behalf of the District.  Only 4 awards were given out of more than 500 SDRMA agencies.  The District was recognized for its low loss claims rate and successful efforts compiling points that reduce premiums by participating in a variety of safety training programs and presenting evidence of updated risk management policies and procedures.


B.    SDRMA Loss Claims Reports: Team Safety reviewed the Workers Compensation Loss Claims Reports for the past 4 years.  These low incidence rates have helped keep District premiums down.  The particularly low loss rate for FY 2006-2007, amounting to only $829, was instrumental in the District’s Safety Award recognition by SDRMA. 


C.        5 Harris Court First Aid Kit Placement:  Cynthia related a conversation with Dave Berger in which he stated that some employees might not be aware of the location of the large first aid kit in the kitchen.  He suggested that we should think about placing the kit on a wall in or outside the break room and another on a wall downstairs.  Team Safety members discussed the issue and recommended placing clearly visible signage on the wall next to the kitchen cabinet which houses the large kit, indicating the location of the kit.  Team Safety also recommended the purchase of a smaller kit to be placed on the wall outside the Conference Room.   Cynthia will attend to this.


D.        Securing File Cabinets for Earthquake Safety: File Cabinets in the Water Demand Division office area that have been moved to create a new work stations must be secured.  Dave Berger suggested that we secure the cabinets left in the main work area after creation of a new cubicle need to be fastened to the floor.  Rick Dickhaut will get a quote from DMC Construction when it is working on the new window in the Accountant’s office.  The file cabinets that have been moved to the small conference room outside Water Demand Division and recently moved bookcases in the Accountant and Human Resources Analyst offices should be secured to the walls.  Mark and Matt will do that within the next two-week period.


E.        Parking Lot Safety: Cynthia Schmidlin noted that parking along the long straight curb across from the front of 5 Harris Court, used largely by District staff, has been facing in the same direction as that directly in front of the building.  This does not conform to the traffic pattern, since there is 2-way traffic in front District Offices on the roadway leading to down to Sierra Instruments, the building opposite our back door. Cars leaving have to pull out directly in the path of any oncoming traffic. This could prove dangerous. Team Safety recommended that Cynthia issue an email to staff requiring parking along the curb across the roadway to be reversed.  


F.         Video Safety Training:  Staff will be viewing two video safety tapes provided by the Special Districts Risk Management Authority to show at upcoming Staff Meetings.  Use of these videos, as well as on-line safety training, can earn the District discounts on its Workers Compensation and Liability insurance.




The next Team Safety Meeting will be held on December 7, 2007 at 9:30



