January 25, 2008


Assembly Member or State Senator _____________

State Capitol, Room _____

Sacramento, CA 95833


Dear Assembly Member or State Senator _____________:


The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District is very concerned about the possibility of the State Legislature introducing legislation to bail out the State budget deficit in part by suspending Proposition 1A, the law that was put into place to protect local government property tax funding from being taken by the state.   


Our District was negatively impacted by over $380,000 that was shifted to the state during the last shift from local government to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF).  It has been only one year since that fund raid expired yet the District is still experiencing side effects from the shift such as reducing funds available to expand its Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project, which is consistent with the District’s legislative mission to manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment.  Any additional taking of revenues by the State could further delay that project, as well as other potential water supply projects and environmental activities.


California is in the midst of a water supply and delivery crisis and simply cannot afford to hamstring local water districts by taking away critical local revenues. Water districts need this revenue stream for ongoing operations, public health and safety, and capitol improvements to keep reliable water supplies flowing to communities, farms and businesses.


Local government should not have to serve as an ATM for the state. Please consider joining us in opposing any plan to suspend Proposition 1A this year. We appreciate your consideration of our request. If you would like more information, please contact David A. Berger, General Manager at (831) 658-5650 or david@mpwmd.dst.ca.us.





Judi Lehman

Chair of the Board of Directors


cc:   Board of Directors

        Association of California Water Agencies

        California Special Districts Association

