
Receive and Discuss Report from Community Advisory Committee re Projects Listed on Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives


Meeting Date:

September 17, 2007





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Andrew Bell

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The Community Advisory Committee has submitted a report to the Board that outlines the merits and drawbacks of the seven water supply projects proposed for the Monterey Peninsula that are summarized in the MPWMD Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives.  The Board will consider receipt of the report. 


The CAC met on September 11, 2007 to review and approve the Final report to the Board.  At that meeting, the committee developed the statement shown below, and requested that it be incorporated into the staff report that transmits the Final report to the Board.


“In the Committee’s deliberations, it found the following common themes:  the projects are complex, expensive in comparison to current water costs, and for the most part will require a lengthy and difficult permitting process.  The community must move forward to solve its water supply problem despite these issues.”


RECOMMENDATION:  The Board should receive a presentation on the Community Advisory Committee’s report, open the floor to public comment, and following discussion by the Board, formally receive the report.  


BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION:  At its December 11, 2006 meeting, the District Board approved formation of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and adopted a charge for the CAC that requested review of projects listed in the MPWMD Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives.  The Board reviewed a list of community groups that indicated an interest in participating on the committee.  At its January 26, 2007 meeting, the Board approved the list of appointees to the CAC.  The CAC held seven meetings, during which its members received presentations on the seven water supply projects, provided their views on the merits and drawbacks of each project, and prepared their report.  The final CAC report is provided in Exhibit 19-A.  Also attached as Exhibit 19-B is an email dated September 9, 2007 from CAC member Greg Pickens regarding future committee activities.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  District staff members assisting the CAC include General Manager David Berger, acting as committee chair, Executive Assistant Arlene Tavani, and District Engineer Andrew Bell.  Senior Hydrogeologist Joe Oliver gave the presentation on the District’s Seaside Groundwater Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project.



19-A    September 11, 2007 Final Report from the Community Advisory Committee to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors

19-B    September 12, 2007 Email from Greg Pickens







