Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

February 13, 2007



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM in the District conference room.  Committee members present were Kristi Markey, Alvin Edwards and Michelle Knight.  District staff member present were Rick Dickhaut, Administrative Services Manager and Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant.


Comments from the Public

No comments.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of November 30, 2006 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Edwards, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.


Discussion Items

2.         Review Draft Text of 2006 MPWMD Annual Report

            The committee members proposed revisions to the draft text.  Staff was directed to amend the text and present the revised draft report to the Board for review on March 19, 2007.   No comments were received from the public.


3.         Consider Recommendations to Board for Enhancing District and California American Water (CAW) Relationship

            The committee reviewed the list of six suggestions for improving understanding and cooperation between CAW and the District developed at its November 30, 2006 meeting, and recommended that:  (A) the March 29, 2007 date be changed to August 30, 2007 for the Special Meeting/Board Workshop at which Mr. Leonard will make a presentation to the Board on how a regulated water distribution system is operated and funded; (2) Mr. Leonard should submit an outline of his presentation for committee review prior to the Special Meeting/Board Workshop; (3) the first line of recommendation e be amended by removing the word “media” and replacing it with the word “public;” and (4) item f be deleted from the list of suggestions.  No comments were received from the public.


4.         Set Next Meeting Date

A meeting will be scheduled when needed.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM.



A. Tavani/02-13-07 Committee Minutes/06-08-07/2 pages