
Consider RECOMMENDATION TO ApprovE PowerPoint Presentation Regarding MPWMD Strategic Water Issues Affecting the Jurisdictions 


Meeting Date:

March 19, 2007





David Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Review:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on January 18, and again on February 12, 2007, when it recommended that a subcommittee revise the PowerPoint and then refer it back to the full committee.   The recommendation was approved by the Board of Directors on February 22, 2007.  The Administrative Committee reviewed the revised PowerPoint on March 13, 2007 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board to consider the proposed PowerPoint file regarding MPWMD Strategic Issues (Exhibit 4-A), which the Board directed be presented to the land use jurisdictions within the District. The PowerPoint was developed by District staff and modified by a subcommittee of the Administrative Committee (Directors Knight and Lehman). This report also contains a plan for Board member involvement in making the presentations that was developed by the Chair and Vice Chair, and was recently reviewed by the Administrative Committee (Exhibit 4-B).


RECOMMENDATION:  The Administrative Committee met on March 13, 2007 and recommended that the Board approve the following plan for informing the jurisdictions about strategic water issues.  (1) Review, modify if deemed necessary, and recommend approval by the Board of the draft MPWMD Strategic Issues PowerPoint (Exhibit 4-A).  (2) Agree that the  Director whose MPWMD voter district includes (or predominately covers) one or more cities will attend that respective city council meeting(s); with Chairman Pendergrass attending the Board of Supervisors meeting and Vice Chairman Edwards attending the Airport Board (refer to Exhibit 4-B). (3) Agree that when the PowerPoint is presented, the Director in attendance will introduce the item, General Manager Berger will make the presentation, and a member of the District’s technical staff will be on hand to respond to questions or give the presentation if necessary.  (4) Direct staff to advise all Board members of the dates when presentations are scheduled, in case a Director would like to attend the meeting. 


BACKGROUND:  One of the three-year strategic goals the Board included in its 2006-07 Strategic Plan, is to “Establish respectful and effective relationships among the MPWMD, California American Water, Jurisdictions, and the Watermaster.”  To initially implement that goal the Board created the following objective, and targeted its accomplishment by March 15, 2007:  “Make presentations to each jurisdiction (at City Council, and Monterey County Board of Supervisors) regarding water issues affecting the jurisdictions.”  The Board directed the General Manager to draft a proposed PowerPoint presentation, and asked that Directors volunteer to attend each respective council/board meeting to assist in making the District’s presentation.  The PowerPoint was revised by a subcommittee of the Administrative Committee and approved by the full committee on March 13, 2007.


Exhibit 4-B is a list showing the regular meeting schedule of the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, Monterey Peninsula Airport District Board of Directors, and each of the six City Councils.  The list also shows the individual MPWMD Director that Chairman Pendergrass and Vice Chairman Edwards have requested attend each of the eight meetings.  Staff has advised the chief executives of the eight Jurisdictions of the District’s desire to attend one of their regular meetings for this purpose.   



4-A      Draft MPWMD Strategic Issues PowerPoint presentation

4-B      Listing of Jurisdictions’ Boards/Councils Regular Meeting Schedule






