



May 4, 2006, 10:00 A.M.  5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey




MEMBERS PRESENT:           Susan Rogers, Tom House, Richard H. Rosenthal, Larry Levine, Clive Sanders

MEMBERS ABSENT: John Dalessio, Marjorie Ingram

PUBLIC PRESENT:                Monica Hunter (Planning and Conservation League or PCL), Craig O’Donnel (representing John Laird’s office)

STAFF PRESENT:                  David Berger, Andy Bell, Thomas Christensen, and Larry Hampson


2.                  PUBLIC COMMENT –there were no comments made.


3.                  CONSENT CALENDAR – Susan Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 2, 2006 Regular Meeting.  Clive Sanders seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.


4.                  REVIEW CHARGE TO THE CARMEL RIVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Tom House requested that the item be deferred until John Dalessio could participate in the discussion.  Larry Levine requested that Andy Bell summarize the item for the members present with the understanding that the Committee could decide what action to take.  Bell summarized the item and David Berger stated that the Board of Directors expected the Committee to work on items 4a to 4g in the Committee Charge adopted on December 12, 2005 by the Board (see Exhibit B in the May 4, 2006 Committee packet).


Rogers made a motion to continue the item to the next regular committee meeting.  House seconded. Motion approved unanimously.


5.                  UPDATE ON CARMEL RIVER WATERSHED CONSERVANCY ACTIVITIES  Clive Sanders reported on coordination between local groups looking for a solution to managing the Carmel River lagoon.  Clive stated that two of the primary problems at the lagoon are impacts to juvenile steelhead from poor water quality and reduced quantity and the threat of flooding around low-lying structures adjacent to the lagoon when the barrier beach is closed off.  Levine suggested contacting the Big Sur Land Trust and staff for County Service Area 50 to discuss financing alternatives.


6.                  UPDATE AND DISCUSSION ON SAN CLEMENTE DAM SEISMIC SAFETY PROJECT – Bell gave a summary of existing emergency measures and procedures implemented for the dam.  Monica Hunter announced that there would be two public workshops to discuss the seismic safety project.  On behalf of PCL, Monica advocated a watershed-wide approach to resolving the problems with the San Clemente Dam.


7.                  REVIEW PROCESS FOR PRIORITIZATION AND FUNDING FOR RESTORATION PROJECTS – Larry Hampson described emergency work at the Lower Carmel River Restoration Project and answered question about the process for prioritizing projects.  


8.                  STAFF REPORTS – Hampson reported that MPWMD had entered into several agreements with local stakeholders and that MPWMD had retained a consultant to complete portions of an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.  Berger noted that the MPWMD Region had more than 20 stakeholders involved.


9.                  ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS – suggested items included:


- presentation on interpreting web data for the Carmel River

- continue Item 4 (i.e., Review Committee Charge)

- conduct field trip to Carmel River lagoon

- review NOAA Fisheries restoration priorities


10.              ADJOURNMENT – the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.









