
Consider Adoption of the Board Public Outreach Committee’s Recommendation Regarding Formation of an Ad Hoc Community Advisory Committee


Meeting Date:

October 16, 2006





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  On a vote of 3 – 0, the Public Outreach Committee recommended that the Board establish an ad hoc Community Advisory Committee charged to review the seven water supply projects listed on the Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives, Parts I and II and submit a report to the Board documenting comments expressed by committee members on those projects.  The CAC would not recommend a position of support or disapproval for any project or any aspect of a project.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  At the September 25, 2006 Strategic Planning Session, the Public Outreach Committee (POC) was assigned to meet and develop a recommendation on formation of an ad hoc Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Board consideration at the November 20, 2006 meeting.  The POC met on September 28, 2006, developed a recommendation, and on a vote of 3 – 0 requested that it be presented to the Board at the October 16, 2006 meeting.   The CAC as proposed would assist the Board in future decision making by increasing the Directors’ awareness of opinions held by members of the public and community groups regarding proposed water supply projects.  The draft CAC charge is attached as Exhibit 16-A.


RECOMMENDATION:    The Board should approve formation of the CAC and adopt the draft charge for the committee attached as Exhibit 16-A.   Each Director should proceed to select appointees to the committee and submit the list of appointees to the General Manager by November 27, 2006.  The list of appointees would then be presented for ratification at the December 11, 2006 Board meeting.


BACKGROUND:   The POC recommended that the Board authorize the formation of an ad hoc CAC with a single purpose; to utilize the information presented in the Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives, Parts I and II, as a basis for a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the seven projects listed on the Matrix.   The CAC would meet monthly beginning in January 2007 and present to the Board in September 2007 a written report documenting the comments expressed by committee members on each project. The CAC would not recommend a position of support or disapproval for any project or any aspect of a project.


The CAC would be comprised of 14 persons who reside within the boundaries of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District.  Seven of the committee members would be representatives of community groups.   Each Director would appoint two persons to the CAC.  One appointee would represent a community group.  A list of community groups that expressed interest in participating on the CAC is available for Directors as a reference (Exhibit 16-B); however, it is not required that committee members be chosen from the list.  No requirement is placed on selection of the second appointee.  That person might be a member of one or more community groups, but would not serve on the committee as a representative of any organization.    All members of the community may participate on the committee, military personnel and persons associated with governmental agencies would not be excluded.


Any organization that would like to be added to the list of community groups that are interested in participating on the committee (Exhibit 16-B), will be added to the list upon request.   This list could be used in the future, should the Board decide to establish another ad hoc committee.


The committee would be chaired by General Manager Berger for the purpose of facilitating the meetings.   District staff would provide administrate support to the committee.   Each month the committee could review one of the seven projects on the Matrix, utilizing that document as the basis for discussion.  The District Engineer, Andy Bell, would be assigned to answer questions and serve as a resource for information on the water supply projects.   The meetings would be open to the public and time would be set aside at each meeting to receive oral or written comments from the public.  The report documenting the CAC comments could be prepared by District staff under the direction of the CAC.   At the final meeting of the CAC, the committee would review the report and refer it to the Board for receipt at the September 17, 2006 meeting.


District staff developed the charge for the CAC based on the recommendation made by the POC at the September 28 meeting.  The draft charge was distributed to the POC members for their review and comment.  The draft CAC charge attached as Exhibit 16-A has been accepted by the POC members.


A copy of this staff report was distributed to the organizations that expressed in interest in participating on the CAC.  They were invited to address the Board during the pubic comment period.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES: Significant staff effort and modest additional expense will be required to support the CAC.  This will impact existing Planning & Engineering Division staff assigned to support this new committee, as well as the General Manager's office, resulting in workload adjustments that could adversely affect existing project priorities and other management or administrative functions.   



16-A    Draft Charge to the Community Advisory Committee

16-B    List of Organizations Interested in Participating on the Community Advisory Committee


