FINAL for 10/16/06 Meeting MPWMD Comparative Matrix, Part I-A, Desalination Projects
DECISION ELEMENT Seawater Conversion Vessel 
PROPONENT/SPONSOR Water Standard Company
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Completely self contained seawater desalination treatment plant installed on a ship. Electrical energy and propulsion will be provided by gas turbine engines fueled with Biodiesel.  No seabed intake or outfall lines are required.  Water produced on the ship will be  shuttled to shore as required.
Facilities required to distribute the water to customers on shore are unknown at this time but could be assumed to be similar to those required in the other alternatives. Size of project is unknown but assumed to be 20 MGD (approx 22,000AFY).
Pilot Project None planned. State currently requires pilot plans but that requirement was written around land based facilities. WSC sees no need to pilot the process since we have over 2,000 ships currently successfully treating seawater. Issues needs to be discussed with the State DOHS.
PROJECT YIELD Actual yield based on commitments of purveyor customers
Comply with Order 95-10? Water for Seaside Basin? Yes, and can easily meet all future needs
Future Mont. Penin. Needs? Could easily be sized for all future needs
Future Non-MP Needs Could easily be sized for all future needs
TOTAL YIELD Could easily be sized for all future needs
Yield Phasing to Mont Penin Phasing will be based on demands. Larger size initially is better.
PROJECT COST Costs in 2006 dollars for 22,000 AFY (approx 20 MGD) project provided by WSC
Capital - see lines 77-106 $129,000,000 for 20 MGD SCV (with power plant). Distribution improvements unkown.  
Amortized Cap. Cost ($/yr) Information not provided  
O&M - see lines 108-112 Information not provided  
Assumed energy cost ($/kwh) $0.05 / kwh (using Biodiesel with current US government rebate tax incentive)
Total Annual Cost Information not provided
Time frame for estimates 2006, costs not escalated
Share of total project cost
How share determined
Cost sharing of existing vs. future Cal-Am ratepayers
Cost of Water ($/AF) Cost of water produced on the SCV estimated to be less than $1,000 AF.  Costs for required distribution and pumping unknown 
Impact to Cal-Am Bill N/A
FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS WSC funding can be used. Prefer a public private partnership with MPWMD
Interest rate (%) 80% at 7% interest and 20% at 12% if private, 7% if municipal
Term (yrs) 20 years if private, 30 yrs if municipal
Public vote required?
Grants (describe) Office of Emergency Services or other Homeland Security funding should be looked into. WSC has not done that.
Draft EIR (and/or EIS) No actions taken on CEQA activities
Certify FEIR (EIS ROD)
Obtain key permits none applied for at this time
Secure financing Upon municiapl agency approval
Secure ROW/property access NA for SCV
Start construction Information not provided
Commence water delivery 3 years after contractual arrangements
Total time to water delivery 3 years after contractual arrangements  
Federal Agencies Same as land based facility except Coast guard must review operational plans.
EIS needed?
Fed lead agency? to be determined, if needed
Sanctuary approval? permit will be required. Not applied for yet
State Agencies same as any land based treament palnt
CPUC approval? N/A 
EIR lead agency MPWMD
SWRCB/Water Rights N/A
Regional Agencies None required for SCV
Monterey County None required for SCV
Local Agencies None required for SCV. Distribution system requiores construction and use permits within affected jurisdictions
Confirmed site? Location doesn’t really matter for the SCV itself. Shuttle ship off loading site must be selected depending on who the customers are.
Alternative sites and projects? No restrictions. No land required. SCV can be located anywhere.
Technical, Managerial and Financial Capabilities (TMF) to meet DHS standards Assume implementing entity would operate desal plant with MPWMD oversight.
Back-up; water production interruptions (e.g., power or intake water) Redundant treatment equipment per State codes; back-up gas turbine planned
Overview Willing to expand plant to meet needs of others such as FORA, MCWD and Monterey Peninsula. Shuttle ship concept may allow cities up and down the coast to participate.  
MPWMD participation MPWMD currently envisioned as sole sponsor.
Other entities participation None specified; partnerships possible.
Outreach programs Presentations by WSC to MPWMD
INFORMATION SOURCES Materials submitted by PBS&J
CAPITAL COST DETAIL Year 2006 costs  
DESALINATION (assume 20 MGD facility)  
Intake included in SCV cost
Pre-treatment included in SCV cost
Desal Plant Ship cost with retrofitting/conversion cost is $41,000,000 + $40,000,000 for all PALL process equipment + shuttle ship costs at $33,000,000
Post-treatment included in SCV cost
Brine discharge included in SCV cost
Storage unknown
Transmission Pipelines unknown
Pump stations SCV  seawater intake PS included
Energy facilities 2 gas turbines for $15,000,000 (most desal plants do not include a power plant)
DESAL SUBTOTAL $129,000,000
Pilot Plant Need has to be resolved with State Halth  
Distribution system improvements none identified
Right-of-way N/A for SCV.
Envtl review, permits, etc. unknown
Engineering included in SCV cost
Construction Management included in SCV cost
Admin/legal included in SCV cost
Mitigation measures N/A for SCV.
Contingencies included in SCV cost
TOTAL CAPITAL COST Capital costs for SCV are $129,000,000.(including the power plant) Distribution system costs are unkown at this time
Energy included in total O&M
Facilities O&M included in total O&M
Mitigation O&M N/A
TOTAL O&M ($/yr) $12,000,000
SOURCES FOR COSTS Total capital and O&M costs were provided by WSC based on detailed estimates from V Ship, Pall Corp, GE Energy
$/AF cost per acre-foot
$/kwh- cost per killowatt-hour
ac acre
AFY acre-feet per year
ARB Air Resources Board
ASR aquifer storge and recovery
B-E/GEI Bookman-Edmonston/GEI Consultants
BRAC Base Realignment and Closure Office (US Army)
BRDEIR Board Review Draft EIR on MPWMD Water Supply Project (interim draft, Dec 2003)
Cal-Am California American Water 
CalTrans Cal. Dept. of Transportation
CAW California American Water 
CCC California Coastal Commission
CDFG Cal. Dept. Fish & Game
CDM Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc
CDTS Cal. Dept. of Toxic Substances
CEC California Energy Commission
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
COP Certificate of Participation
CPCN Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
CPUC Cal. Public Utilities Commission
CR Carmel River
CSD Community Services District
CWP Coastal Water Project
DBO design-build-operate
DHS Cal. Dept. of Health Services
DPR Cal. Dept. of Parks & Recreation
Duke Duke Energy Corporation
DWR Cal. Dept. of Water Resources
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
FORA Fort Ord Reuse Authority
HDD horizontal directional drilling
IS Initial Study
JPA Joint Powers Authority
K/J Kennedy Jenks Engineers, Inc.
MBNMS Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
MBUAPCD Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District
MCEH Monterey County Environmental Health
MCPBI Monterey County Dept. Planning & Building Inspection 
MCPW Monterey County Public Works
MCWD Marina Coast Water District
MCWRA Monterey County Water Resources Agency
MLHD Moss Landing Harbor District
MLML Moss Landing Marine Laboratory
MLPP Moss Landing Power Plant
MoCo Monterey County
MP Monterey Peninsula 
MPWMD Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
MRWPCA Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
N/A not applicable
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NMCDP North Monterey County Desalination Project
NOAA Fish National Marine Fisheries Service (part of Natl Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
NOP Notice of Preparation
NorCo North Monterey County
O&M operations and maintenance
PEA Proponent's Environmental Assessment
P/SM Pajaro/Sunny Mesa Community Services District
RBF RBF Consulting, Inc
ROD Record of Decision
ROW right-of-way 
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
SLC State Lands Commission
SRF State Revolving Fund, a loan administered by SWRCB 
SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board
TAMC Transportation Agency of Monterey County
TBD to be determined
USACOE US Army Corps of Engineers
USBLM US Bureau of Land Management
USBR US Bureau of Reclamation
USCG US Coast Guard
ESEPA US Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS US Fish & Wildlife Service
CG US Coast Guard
SCV Seawater Conversion Vessel
WSC Water Standard Company
PBS&J Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.
V Ships V Ships, Inc.
Pall Pall Corporation