Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Fourth Quarter Report on Financial Activity
Fiscal Year 2005-06
Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent of
Revenues Budget Variance Budget
Permit Fees $251,310 $275,000 $23,690 91%
Connection Charges $622,669 $515,500 ($107,169) 121%
Interest $89,587 $60,000 ($29,587) 149%
User Fees $2,163,295 $2,370,900 $207,605 91%
Property Taxes $1,007,061 $1,017,000 $9,939 99%
Grants $1,987 $500,000 $498,013 0%
Reimbursements $49,452 $234,600 $185,148 21%
Other $55,414 $48,500 ($6,914) 114%
     Total Revenues $4,240,775 $5,021,500 $780,725 84%
Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent of
Expenditures Budget Variance Budget
Personnel $2,685,780 $2,700,300 $14,520 99%
Supplies & Services $1,759,443 $1,880,100 $120,657 94%
Fixed Assets $16,532 $68,600 $52,068 24%
Project Expenditures $501,835 $1,501,500 $999,665 33%
Election Expense $118,545 $118,600 $55 100%
Contingencies/Reserves $8,745 $97,400 $88,655 9%
     Total Expenditures $5,090,880 $6,366,500 $1,275,620 80%