Water Demand Committee

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 22, 2005



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 PM in the District conference room. 


Committee Members present:      Larry Foy, Chair

                                                   Kristi Markey

                                                   Michelle Knight


Committee Members absent:  None


Staff present:    David A. Berger, General Manager

                        Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager

                        Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:  David C. Laredo


Comments from the Public

No members of the public were present at the meeting.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of September 1, 2005 Committee Meeting

            The minutes were unanimously received on a vote of 3 – 0.


2.         Discuss and Provide Feedback on Amendments to District Rules 25, 25.5, 28 and 30 Related to Policies and Procedures in the Water Demand Division

            The committee reviewed proposed changes to Rules 25, 25.5, 28 and 30 and directed that modifications be made.  Shown below is a list of changes suggested by the committee.  Page numbers refer to the committee packet page numbers.


1.                  Rule 25, page 9 – Change title to read “Rule 25 – Expiration of Permits.”


2.                  Rule 25D page 10 – Change to read “Rule 25C.”  Also change title of item to read “Adjustment of Allocation for Expired or Revoked Permits and/or Expired Credits.”


3.                  Rule 24D.1, page 10 – First sentence should read, “Any permitted water capacity which is not used because of an expired, revoked, cancelled, or returned permit or expired onsite water credit shall be………”


4.                  Rule 24E, page 10 – Change to read “Rule 24D.”


5.                  Rule 25.5, page 11 – Change title to read “Rule 25.5 – On-Site Water Use Credits.”

6.                  Rule 25.5.A.1.d, page 12 – Change last sentence to read “This quantification shall be documented as a Water Use Credit but shall not include credit for the following.”


7.                  Rule 25.5.A.1.d.(2), page 12 – Staff will review the second sentence.  The Board must decide if credit will be allowed for outdoor use such as a golf course or only for landscaping.  Does this pertain to public, commercial or industrial uses?  The language must be clarified. 


8.                  Rule 25.5.A.3, page 14 – Staff must clarify the references to “60 months.”


9.                  Rule 25.5.A.3, page 14 – Add at sentence that states, “The unused water use credit shall expire, and the unused remainder shall be returned to the applicable allocation pursuant to Rule 25.D.”


10.              Rule 25.5.A.5, page 14 – There was a discussion as to whether fifteen percent of the expired water credit should be set aside for conservation before it is transferred to the jurisdiction.  Another issue of discussion was whether or not the District should allow the expired water credits to be reused.  One director expressed support for allowing the transfer of credits with a 15 percent set aside for conservation. One director expressed agreement with allowing the transfer of expired water credits, but gave partial support to the 15 percent set aside. One committee member did not support the transfer of expired water credit, but did acknowledge there was merit in the 15 percent set aside.  Staff stated that the 15 percent would be added to Rule 25.5.A.5 and also Rule 25D.


11.              Rule 25.5.A.5, page 14 – Change the first sentence to read, “A Water Use Credit may provide the basis for the General Manager to issue a water permit to modify……..”


12.              Rule 25.5.C.2, page 16 – There was a discussion about amending the text.  However, there was consensus that the rule should remain as presented.


13.              Table XX, page 17 – Staff should develop language which clarifies that credit is only given for the removal and replacement of an appliance. 


14.              Table XX, page 17 – The description of Instant-Access Hot Water System should read, “A recirculating hot water system or other device that allows hot water within ten (10) seconds at each point of access.”  Staff will check to be sure that District rules define recirculating hot water systems in this manner.


15.               Rule 25.5.D, page 18 – The words “temporary abandonment” need to be defined and added to the list of definitions.  Staff will also confirm that the District’s rules define the term “permanent abandonment.”


16.              Rule 25.5.D, page 18 – The date “March 1, 1985” should be changed to “March 11, 1985.”


17.              Rule 28.A.1 through 4, page 19 – Paragraph A.1. should be added to the end of the introductory paragraph.  Paragraphs 3 and 4 should become A.1 and A.2. 


18.              Rule 30.A. and 30.B, page 24 – Staff will review the language and clarify the rule regarding a property that has an entitlement.


Other Items

No other items were discussed.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.





