

A.   Adopt 2005-2006 MPWMD Strategic Plan

            B.   Review and Consider Approval of Timeline for Conducting Board Workshops


Meeting Date:

October 17, 2005





David A. Berger,




General Manager

Line Item No.:


Prepared By:

Henrietta Stern

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  The Board will consider the adoption of the 2005-2006 MPWMD Strategic Plan, which was the subject of the Board’s September 8, 2005 Strategic Planning Workshop.  The Board will also consider approval of the content and timeline for a series of Board workshops on topics of interest identified at the workshop.


The proposed 2005-2006 MPWMD Strategic Plan is shown as Exhibit 13-A.  The proposed plan is based on a draft plan prepared by the workshop facilitator after the workshop, then reorganized and refined for clarity and accuracy by District staff, based on the intent of the Board as reflected in the draft minutes of the workshop.  As described in the “Discussion” section below, one new proposed objective has been added by staff, based on recent news about Proposition 50 Planning Grant funding received after the September 8, 2005 Board workshop.


Under the “Water Supply” discussion on September 8, 2005, the Board indicated its intent to hold a series of workshops on the following topics of Board and community interest, listed in order of priority:


·        Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) overview and future possibilities

·        Governance for a Regional Urban Water Supply (RUWS)

·        Water needs analysis (existing and future demand)

·        Water supply augmentation options

·        Water projects cost and timeline analysis


The recommendation and discussion sections below provide a revised order of presentation, based on staff workload, available information and actions needed to develop workshop materials.  Exhibit 13-B provides an expanded outline for each of these workshops.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board:


A.        Adopt the 2005-2006 Strategic Plan as shown in Exhibit 13-A; and


B.         Concur with the workshops’ purpose(s) and time frames shown below and in Exhibit 13-B.  Staff’s understanding is that the workshops would involve public input and initial Board policy discussion, but not Board action.  The Board directed that the workshops be held in the evening to maximize public attendance.  Staff would follow-up with Board members to schedule special meeting workshop dates within the time frames shown in the following table if Board members do not set dates on October 17, 2005:







Oct-Nov. 2005

Governance Structure for Regional Urban Water Supply Project (RUWS)MPWMD and County representatives to water agencies/city managers working group to describe proposed purpose, function and structure of RUWS policy board, initial public input and MPWMD Board discussion thereon (October 17, 2005); MPWMD Board to review and provide direction regarding community engagement and decision-making process for consideration of RUWS policy board draft formation agreement and alternative governance structures (November, 2005).


Dec. 2005 or early Jan. 2006

ASR– Describe and compare various ASR options currently under consideration (as well as MPWMD ASR Phases 2 and 3), including implementation process, constraints and opportunities, cost, funding and timeline.


Jan. 2006

Water Needs Analysis for Existing and Future Demand, Part A– Re-evaluate current assumptions about Cal-Am water rights, conservation savings and existing water needs, including Seaside Basin issues.


Feb. 2006

Water Needs Analysis for Existing and Future Demand, Part B– Review general plan build-out projections and future water needs developed by TAC/PAC, including phasing issues.


March 2006

Water Augmentation Alternatives– Expand matrix to discuss Phase 2 and 3 ASR; mainstem dam; dredging existing dams; confirm potential water available to Peninsula from MCWD/MRWPCA’s desal/recycled water “hybrid” project.


June 2006

Water Project Cost and Timeline Analysis– Compare desalination project costs at same size, without ASR component; independently assess cost or obtain information from other communities.  Also compare wastewater and recycled water costs from other communities.


DISCUSSION:  The following paragraphs highlight aspects of the Strategic Plan document that District staff proposes for adoption (Exhibit 13-A).  Staff reorganized the Plan elements to reflect priority programs and the fact that more than one organizational division may work on a program together.  Thus, the revised order in the Plan is:


·        Vision and Mission Statements

·        Water Supply

·        Community Issues

·        Office of the General Manager

·        Fiscal Issues and Administrative Services Division

·        Water Demand Division

·        Water Resources Division

·        Planning and Engineering Division


It is notable that throughout the Plan, the need to develop a charge (i.e., committee mission, authority, subject areas, etc.) for each existing and proposed Board committee and advisory committee to the District is identified as an action item.


Vision and Mission Statements

At the September 8, 2005 Strategic Planning Workshop, the Board reviewed the MPWMD Vision and Mission Statements, and expressed the desire to retain the existing language for Fiscal year 2005-2006. 


Water Supply

This section features refined text for the key objectives expressed by the Board, and identifies the numbered workshops that would be conducted to support those objectives as described above and in Exhibit 13-B.  The six objectives include:


1.      Determine Existing and Future Water Supply Needs (Workshops #3A and #3B);

2.      Evaluate Water Supply Options to Meet Community Needs (Workshops #2, #4 and #5);

3.      Determine MPWMD Role in Governance of Public Water Project (Workshop #1);

4.      Encourage Public Participation and Understanding of Water Supply Issues;

5.      Pursue MPWMD Water Supply Project(s);

6.      Create Board Water Supply Committee and Charge.


Objectives 1-3 are linked to Workshops #1-5 as described in the table above.  Objective 4 would result in an annual Town Hall Meeting, similar to the well-attended event on August 25, 2005.  Objective 5 relates to completion of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on MPWMD’s Phase 1 ASR project.  Objective 6 relates to a staff suggestion that a new Board committee be formed to address water supply issues, with emphasis on water augmentation projects and related issues.   This committee could alternatively be called the “Water Augmentation Committee,” which existed in the 1990s.


Community Issues

The Plan involves a variety of objectives and actions to help the community understand the complexity of the District’s mission, the many positive contributions made by the District, opportunities for partnerships with other entities, and increased communication by Board members.  All District divisions are involved to some extent in community relations.  Two policy issues for future Board action relate to the composition of the existing Technical Advisory Committee/Policy Advisory Committee (PAC/TAC), which is currently comprised of jurisdiction representatives.  These include:


·        Should PAC/TAC be expanded to include other members beside jurisdiction representatives?


Office of the General Manager

The Plan involves objectives and actions that focus on Board and General Manager interactions and community relations.


Fiscal Issues and Administrative Services Division

The Plan involves objectives and actions that address whether there should be a multi-year budget, additional fees and changes in staffing levels.


Water Demand Division

The Plan involves objectives and actions that foster improved communication with local jurisdictions and the public about MPMWD policies, regulations, procedures and conservation program.  This division has significant interaction with the public, Cal-Am and jurisdiction staff.


Water Resources Division

The Plan involves objectives and actions that address implementation of the MPWMD ASR program, including possible partnerships; and completion of the Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan.  This division has a significant role in water supply, resource management and Mitigation Program issues.  A policy issue for future Board action is whether the MPWMD Water Allocation Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be updated. 


Planning and Engineering Division

The Plan involves objectives and actions that address partnerships for wastewater reclamation projects and public outreach regarding Carmel River erosion protection issues.  This division has a significant role in water supply project environmental review, water system permitting and Mitigation Program issues. 


A new Objective PE-4 was added (see Exhibit 13-A, page 10) based on news received on October 3, 2005 that the MPWMD-led application is recommended to receive nearly $497,000 in Proposition 50 funding to prepare an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Monterey Bay area.  Objective PE-4 and four related tasks reflect required action in order to receive the funding.


IMPACT TO STAFF AND FISCAL RESOURCES:  Adoption of the Strategic Plan affects all MWPMD staff as the Plan is the “roadmap” that guides staff action for the next year, consistent with the current adopted budget.  Adoption of the Plan does not have an immediate fiscal effect, but future objectives and actions could have a fiscal impact, depending on the specific direction given by the Board at future meetings.  Decisions about several objectives are also tied to budget setting workshops and related policy action in 2006, and would not have a fiscal effect until 2006-2007 or later. 


It is notable that Workshop #5 described in Exhibit 13-B would entail retention of specialized consultants for an estimated amount of $30,000 to $50,000 if the Board wishes a detailed review and comparison of desalination and wastewater reclamation project costs and timelines.



13-A    Proposed 2005-2006 MPWMD Strategic Plan

13-B    Outline of Recommended Water Supply Workshops



