Team Safety Meeting

June 14, 2005


-  The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am in the 5 Harris Court Conference Room -



                        MEMBERS PRESENT:                        Thomas Christensen, Rick Dickhaut, Darby Fuerst, Debby Martin, Cynthia Schmidlin


                        MEMBERS ABSENT:                          None





            NEW BUSINESS         


A.       Follow-up to Annual 5 Harris Court Inspection Report:


1)      A part of the March 4th inspection report regarded all of the unused computer equipment being stored in the garage.   A rented storage room in the same Monterey facility that the District uses for its archives also contains a large amount of very old computer equipment.  As part of this year’s budget discussions, it was decided that this storage room would be emptied.  Therefore, we need to do a large-scale removal of all unused computer equipment being stored in both of these locations. Rick Dickhaut will ask Inder Osahan to indicate the worthless equipment with red stickers, so that it may be disposed of under the District’s new policy.  This equipment will be taken to the Monterey Waste Management District for recycling before the next Team Safety Meeting.


2)      Thomas will speak to Andy Bell about the status of Planning and Engineering Division’s  sorting, organizing, consolidating, and transporting of boxes stored in their file room to archives.   They were also looking into the installation of storage shelves above the file cabinets to safely store boxed records retained at 5 Harris Court.


3)      The items noted for other Divisions in the inspection report have been remedied.


B.      Fire Drill:   Cynthia presented the first installment of a 2-part staff safety training on Emergency Evacuation at last month’s Staff Meeting.  Part of that training included a Power Point slide on “Assembly” describing the process for an orderly exit from the building during a crisis situation such as fire, explosions, or bomb threats.  She will distribute that slide during Part II of the Emergency Evacuation training in July, for staff to keep at their work stations.  Team Safety discussed testing staff’s awareness of the procedure in a fire drill, to be held at an upcoming Staff Meeting, when the largest number of employees can participate.


C.     Training:   Staff who access the District’s confined space at the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility, or may act as spotter/rescue personnel for those entering the space, received an 8-hour Confined Spaces Training in May. Upcoming training will include Hazmat Training, Heat Stress, Back, and Eye Safety Training, as well as CPR Training/Recertification. It was suggested that staff should receive instruction on the procedure for dealing with snake bites.  However, several team members stated that the prevalent advice today is just call 911 or rush a victim to the hospital, rather than to use a snake-bite kit or try to suction out the poison, as this may spread it. As long-held ideas on safety response change, the training provided by the Red Cross also adjusts its position on such areas.  This has been the case with CPR methods. Driver Safety Training was also suggested by team members to be added to the training schedule in early 2006.




           The next Team Safety Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23rd at 9:30 pm.

