Water Demand Committee

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

June 14, 2005



Call to Order/Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 3:06 PM in the District conference room.


Committee Members Present:

Kristi Markey

Larry Foy

Michelle Knight


Committee Members Absent:



District Counsel Present:

David C. Laredo


Staff Members Present: 

David A. Berger, General Manager

Stephanie Pinter, Water Demand Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Comments from the Public

There were no members of the public in attendance.


Action Items

1.                  Receive Minutes of April 25, 2005 Committee Meeting

On a motion by Director Markey and second by Director Knight, the minutes were received on a unanimous vote of 3 – 0.


2.         Discuss and Provide Feedback on Policy Issues Related to Water Permits and Water Credits

The committee provided direction to staff on six issues that were outlined in the staff report.

1.      When is a water permit waiver appropriate?

The committee members agreed the District’s rules should specify the conditions under which a permit can be issued without assessment of a fee.  District Counsel Laredo recommended that the term “fee waiver” not be used and that another descriptor be developed.


2.      Posting Policy

The committee members agreed to a ten-day posting period.  Notice should be posted on the District’s website and on the perimeter of the building site in a location visible to the public.  The notice should be printed on brightly colored paper.


3.      Policy statement on grandfathering uses that can be verified as pre-dating the District’s 1985 permit requirements.

The committee agreed that a policy should be established.  District staff will develop standards for proof that will be presented in an ordinance for Board consideration.  If approved, the standards of proof will be outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual that is currently under development.


4.      Policy for properties located in the District but served by a water distribution system located outside of the District.

The committee agreed that any property within the District boundary should be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the District.  The committee also agreed that properties outside the District boundary that are served by a water distribution system within the District boundary should be subject to MPWMD Rules and Regulations.


5.      Policy for annexing properties outside the Cal-Am service area boundaries that have been historically served by Cal-Am.

The committee agreed that it is not necessary for the District to embark on a program to identify these properties.  When an applicant comes into the District office and reports that their property is served by Cal-Am but is outside the Cal Am service area, District staff can advise Cal Am of the situation.  District staff can also assist the applicant with filling out an application for annexation. Ms. Pintar noted that she is aware of an existing Cal Am water meter that serves properties outside of the Cal Am service area and those connections are all served by one meter.  Mr. Laredo stated that the Monterey County Planning Department should not issue building permits for any new connections in that area until the water use capacity has been increased.  The Directors agreed.


Mr. Berger advised the committee that Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) recently advised staff of its plans to make improvements to its existing system for delivering water to areas on Fort Ord that are within the MPWMD boundary.  He noted that staff informed MCWD that such improvements would require MPWMD  approval, which MCWD is questioning because of a 1993 agreement between MPWMD and MCWRA that states the latter agency has exclusive authority to regulate water delivery systems on former Fort Ord within MPWMD boundaries. District Counsel Laredo agreed that a MPWMD water distribution permit would be required.  Mr. Berger advised that he’s informing the Committee that this is a related policy matter the Board will need to address, and that staff needs to further analyze the matter before making a recommendation.  Chair Foy requested that Mr. Berger discuss this issue with the MCWD and Fort Ord Reuse Authority, and report its outcome at a future committee meeting


6.      Discussion about grouped factors, particularly as people are starting to apply for Water Use Credits for installing ultra-low consumption appliances to obtain water credit.

The committee discussed items 6a through 6c.  They recommended that a new water use category is not necessary.  Projects can continue to be processed under the District’s “special circumstances” provision. 

a.   Should we “un-group” the non-residential uses?

The committee recommended that the non-residential uses should not be changed.


b.   Should we create a new commercial category (Modified Commercial Uses) for properties that have been granted a “credit” for installing ultra-low consumption technology?

The committee recommended against creation of a new commercial category.


c.   Should retrofits allow a project to fall into a new category of use?

The committee recommended against creation of a new category of use.


d.      What does the provision about “manufacturing process” mean?  Should this be deleted?

No discussion of this item.


7.      Policy on exterior water credit.

The committee concurred with the staff recommendation to take a strong position against credit for landscaping unless it was an area that was permitted by the District and the property owner paid a connection charge and a jurisdiction’s allocation was debited.  Staff was encouraged to work with the Technical Advisory Committee on development of a model-landscaping ordinance.


3.         Discuss Procedure for Identifying Lots that are served by Cal-Am but are Located Outside of the Cal Am Water Distribution System Boundary

Please refer to discussion under agenda item 5. 


4.                  Schedule August 2005 Meeting Date

The meetings will be conducted at 3 PM on August 2, September 1, October 5, November 1 and December 8, 2005.


Other Items

No other items were discussed.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 PM.


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