Table I-2

Summary of Mitigation Program Accomplishments in 2003-2004








Monitor Water Resources


Regularly tracked precipitation, streamflow, surface and ground water levels and quality, and lagoon characteristics between Los Padres Dam and the Carmel River Lagoon, using real-time and computer monitoring methods at numerous data collection stations.  Maintained extensive monitoring network, continuous streamflow recorder below San Clemente Dam and other sites.


Manage Water Production


Developed and implemented multi-agency Memorandum of Agreement and quarterly water supply strategies; worked cooperatively with resource agencies implementing the federal Endangered Species Act. Implemented Ordinance Nos. 96, 105 and 106 regulating water distribution systems.


Manage Water Demand



Inspected 1,793 properties for conservation compliance, which saved an estimated 22 acre-feet (AF) through required retrofits; provided retrofit refunds for 235 toilets, saving an estimated 4.8 AFY; provided water credit incentives for 525 property owners to install ultra-water efficient fixtures; conducted public outreach for conservation program.  Explored funding options to expand Pebble Beach reclamation program.  Processed 1,271 permits of various types under allocation program; coordinated with jurisdictions to help streamline permit process.


Monitor Water Usage


Complied with SWRCB Order 95-10 for Water Year 2004.


Augment Water Supply




Prepared a Board Review Draft EIR and detailed onshore and offshore hydrogeologic studies on the District’s then-proposed 8,400 AFY desalination project in Sand City; evaluated alternatives including Cal-Am’s Coastal Water Project (Moss Landing desalination) and Carmel River Dam, among others.  Participated on technical committee evaluating options for seismic safety and sediment management at San Clemente Dam.  Injected 160 AF into Seaside Basin through May 2004 as part of aquifer storage and recovery project (ASR) testing.  Began recovery tests to assess fate and quality of injected water.   Continued work to initiate a formal Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan. 


Allocate New Supply


Remained within overall limits set by Water Allocation Program.


Determine Drought Reserve


Rationing was not required due to adequate storage reserve.


Steelhead Fishery Program


Counted 388 adult fish passing San Clemente Dam; rescued 50,277 young steelhead from drying reaches of the Carmel River in July 2003-June 2004 period; completed extensive retrofit project at Sleepy Hollow steelhead rearing facility to protect pumps and other equipment from significant increase in sediment emanating from San Clemente Dam; stocked 28,327 rescued fish in Facility in Summer 2003 and another 10,875 fish in Spring 2004 with roughly 44% survival; conducted annual spawning nest (“redd”) and juvenile fish population survey; conducted California Stream Bio-assessment Procedure (benthic invertebrate sampling at 5 stations); coordinated with Cal-Am regarding operations to maximize fish habitat.


Riparian Habitat Program











Continued revegetation at Trail and Saddle Club and Red Rock Project; conducted a detailed assessment of a portion of the Carmel River Watershed under contract with the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy; obtained a federal Regional General Permit for MPWMD river activities through 2009; completed final report on “large wood” habitat in the river; diversified restoration techniques and experimented with planting techniques to allow trees to mature more quickly with less irrigation; inspected private projects for compliance with permit conditions; carried out several enforcement actions to address unlawful construction activities along the river; completed annual river inspection; continued long-term monitoring of physical and biological processes; made several presentations on MPWMD restoration techniques to general interest and scientific groups.  


Lagoon Habitat Program




Provided technical expertise and data to multi-agency sponsors of lagoon restoration program; assisted Carmel Area Wastewater District evaluate possible Lagoon augmentation with recycled water; continued vegetation habitat monitoring at eight transect locations; monitored four bathymetric transects; participated in interagency meetings regarding management of lagoon in winter storm events.


Aesthetic Measures


See Riparian Habitat Program measures.

