DRAFT – prepared March 11, 2005  





APN 169-181-051

Application #20040426BAR


MPWMD Permit #S04-03

Permittee: Christo D. Bardis


Adopted by MPWMD Board of Directors on March 21, 2005 Pursuant to Rule 22-D


Permitted System


1.         The Bardis Water Distribution System (WDS) is authorized by the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) under Permit #S04-03 to serve the 10.02-acre parcel identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 169-181-051, as shown in Figure 1 (attached).


2.         The Bardis WDS is authorized under Permit #S04-03 to provide potable and non-potable water for residential uses (including associated landscape irrigation) and irrigated agriculture, respectively, in the service area identified in Condition No. 1.  Specific limitations on the use of potable and non-potable water are described in Condition No. 3. 


3.         The system capacity (water production) limit for the Bardis WDS is hereby set at 14.91 acre-feet per year (AFY) divided as follows:  0.70 AFY for residential uses, including landscape irrigation, and 14.21 AFY for agricultural irrigation.   The expansion capacity (connection) limit is set at no more than one connection in order to serve uses allowed by Monterey County zoning regulations and permitted by County authorities on the subject parcel.  No municipal unit (jurisdiction) allocation is associated with this permit.


4.         The source of water for the Bardis WDS is one well (California Well Completion Report #0900420 located on APN 169-181-051 in the approximate location shown in Figure 1.


Other Conditions of Approval


5.         Permittee shall execute the attached Indemnification Agreement (Exhibit 11-J) that holds the District harmless and promises to defend the District from any claims, demands, or expenses of any nature or kind arising from or in any way related to the adequacy of the water supply for the Bardis WDS as well as litigation associated with approval of this permit. This permit is not valid until the Indemnification Agreement is signed both by Permittee and MPWMD.  The Indemnification Agreement must be signed within 60 days of the date of approval (i.e., by Friday, May 20, 2005) for the permit to remain valid.


6.         Permittee shall comply with District rules relating to water well registration, metering and annual reporting of production (MPWMD Rules 52 and 54).


7.         The Bardis WDS shall report production by the Water Meter Method (MPWMD Rule 56) for the well designated in Condition No. 4.  Permittee shall separately meter and report potable (residence and associated landscaping) and non-potable (irrigated agriculture) use.


8.         Permittee shall comply with all District water conservation ordinances that pertain to residential and landscape use as well as non-potable use.  Current ordinances specify maximum water use rates for fixtures and require new development to install drought-resistant landscapes, and drip irrigation where appropriate.  Contact with the District Permit and Conservation Office is recommended during project planning.


9.         No new water meter connections to the Bardis WDS may be set until a water connection permit has been secured from the District for each connection in accordance with MPWMD regulations governing issuance of water connection permits.  Connection charges shall be calculated based on water demand estimates using the District’s water demand methodology at the time of the application.


10.       Any intensification or expansion of the Bardis WDS shall require a new application and permit (see MPWMD Rules 23 and 24).


11.       Any new facilities, expansion of or modification to service area boundaries, changed conditions regarding water service, change in the production or connection limits set in Condition No. 3, or other changes described in MPWMD Rule 22-E shall require a permit to amend the Bardis WDS.


12.       With the exception of structures on APN 169-181-051 currently served by California American Water (Cal-Am) on the date of approval of this application, water derived from the Cal-Am system may only be used in a fire emergency until such time as full compliance with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order WR 95-10 is achieved.  No permanent intertie between the Bardis WDS and any other system shall be allowed. The Bardis WDS may temporarily intertie to other nearby non-Cal-Am wells or receive trucked-in water in a non-fire emergency, system failure or similar short-term critical event.  Use of trucked-in water shall be guided by MPWMD Rule 173. 


13.       A back-flow protection device to prevent contamination of the Cal-Am system shall be installed if deemed necessary by Cal-Am.  Written documentation of compliance with Cal-Am’s requirement to install a devise shall be provided, if applicable.


14.       Because the Bardis WDS water quality does not meet secondary (aesthetic) drinking water standards, the District will oppose any future application to replace water service for structures served by the Bardis WDS with Cal-Am service, if inadequate water quality is the rationale, until full compliance with SWRCB Order 95-10 is achieved.


15.       Nothing in this permit shall be construed to grant or confirm any water right.


16.       Upon District approval of this permit (approval of appeal on March 21, 2005), the Permittee shall pay to the District the invoiced cost for MPWMD staff, attorney and consultant time spent to process the permit subsequent to the April 26, 2004 application date.  The Permittee is not charged for the first 35 hours of staff time.  The Permittee will be provided documentation to support the invoiced amount. This permit is not valid until payment for the invoiced amount is received by MPWMD.  Payment must be received within 60 days of the date of approval (i.e., by Friday, May 20, 2005).


17.       Upon finalization of these conditions, the Permittee shall sign a form titled, “Acceptance of Permit Conditions for Creation of Bardis WDS.”  By signing the form, the Permittee acknowledges that he/she understands and accepts these conditions as a binding part of the permit approval, and agrees to carry them out faithfully. This permit is not valid until the signed acceptance form has been received by MPWMD.  The signed form must be received within 60 days of the date of approval (i.e., by Friday, May 20, 2005).


18.       Permittee shall disclose to any future owner, successors and assigns of the property described in Condition No. 1 the requirements for the Bardis WDS associated with this permit.  Permittee shall advise MPWMD in a timely manner of any changes in system ownership, system name or other substantive changes to the system to facilitate accurate record-keeping.


19.       Construction tasks for facilities authorized by this permit shall be initiated within one year from the date this permit is issued.  This permit shall expire if no action is taken within that year.   Permitted construction tasks shall be completed and water distribution system operation shall commence within two years from the date this permit is issued.  Permittee may apply in writing to the MPWMD General Manager for a 180-day extension to the project initiation deadline and/or the system operation deadline, to be approved at the discretion of the General Manager.


20.       The permit granted herein is subject to revocation in the event Permittee does not fully comply with the provisions set forth in each condition above.


