Water Demand Committee

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

October 12, 2004



Committee members present:  Larry Foy (Chair)

 Kristi Markey

David Pendergrass


Committee members absent:     None


District staff present:  David A. Berger, General Manager

                                      Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                      Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:  David C. Laredo


Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 PM in the District conference room.


Comments from Public



Action Items

1.                  Consider Recommendation to Board on Process for Reviewing Proposals to Utilize Conservation Retrofits in Non-Residential Uses

The committee members agreed to recommend that the Board of Directors adopt the staff recommendation submitted in the committee packet.  Staff recommended that requests to utilize ultra-low consumption technology at the onset of a project (to offset an expansion in use) be considered after a consultant can be retained by the District (at the applicant’s expense) to review the proposed water savings.  This review should also consider the water use associated with the specific type of use (not using a “grouped” factor).  Water Use Credits should be available for ultra-low consumption technology when the applicant has applied in advance to the District and water savings have been clearly documented over time using metered water use that can be verified by the District.  The District would select a consultant who would agree to develop water factors at the District’s request and expense, or to complete a study on an applicant’s project at the applicant’s expense.  In addition, if the applicant submitted a well-prepared and complete analysis, there would be no need for District staff to ask a consultant to prepare another report. 


2.      Approve Minutes of August 10, 2004 Water Demand Committee Meeting

On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second by Director Markey, the August 10, 2004 minutes were unanimously approved on a vote of 3 – 0.

Other Items

General Manager Berger announced that District staff was scheduled to meet with California American Water (Cal Am) staff to discuss conservation measures that could be included in the next rate case to be submitted by Cal Am to the Public Utilities Commission in November 2004 (refer to minutes of the September 14, 2004 Water Demand Committee).  In response to a question from Director Markey, Mr. Berger reported that an application has been submitted to the District for creation of the Cañada Woods Water Distribution System.  A letter has also been submitted alleging that the non-potable system should be exempt.  District staff is analyzing the applicant’s request.  A meeting between staff, the applicant and the Cañada Woods Subcommittee (Markey and Foy) will be scheduled.



The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.

