A Resolution of the Board of Directors

of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Expressing Appreciation to Alvin Edwards


            WHEREAS, in December 2003, Alvin Edwards was unanimously elected by his fellow Directors to serve as Board Chair for calendar year 2004.


            WHEREAS, during his term as Chair, Director Edwards also served as Chair of the Administrative Committee.


            WHEREAS, under Alvin Edward’s leadership the Board took action on several significant issues:


·        Adopted Resolution 2004-02 expressing intent to prepare a Groundwater Management Plan to protect, preserve and enhance the groundwater resources of the Seaside Basin for current and future beneficial uses.

·        Adopted Resolution 2004-03 stating that the District should continue to fund and implement the Mitigation Program established in 1990 with the Final EIR on the Water Allocation Program. 

·        Developed a Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2004-2005 that emphasized collaborative solutions to water supply problems.

·        Evaluated several long-term water supply proposals in detail in a comprehensive, comparative matrix.

·        Authorized preparation of an EIR on a long-term aquifer storage and recovery project to allow for changes in water supply operations in the Carmel River and Seaside Groundwater Basins that will benefit the natural resources of the Carmel River and the groundwater resources of the Seaside Groundwater Basin.

·        Adopted Ordinance No. 109 and approved implementing agreements that established a plan for funding improvements to the Carmel Area Wastewater District/Pebble Beach Community Services District Recycled Water Project, eliminating the use of potable water on golf courses and designated open space in the Del Monte Forest.


            WHEREAS, Alvin Edwards led the Board’s successful selection of a new General Manager.


            WHEREAS, Alvin Edwards consistently exhibited an enthusiastic interest in the District’s activities and made several field trips to MPWMD project sites to better educate himself on the complex issues facing the District.


            NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District expresses appreciation to Alvin Edwards for outstanding leadership in 2004.  He is commended for encouraging the exchange of ideas between the Board, District staff, the public and the jurisdictions in order to achieve progress on development of a secure water supply and enhancement of the District’s environmental resources.


On a motion by Director _________ and second by Director _____________ the foregoing resolution is duly adopted this 27th day of January 2005 by the following votes.






            I, David A Berger, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify that the foregoing is a resolution duly adopted on the 27th day of January 2005.


            Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this __ day of January 2005.







