TO:       ____ Office of Planning and Research                       FROM:  Monterey Peninsula Water Mgt. Dist.

1400 Tenth Street, Room 121                                          PO Box 85

Sacramento, CA 95814                                                   Monterey, CA 93942-0085


_XX_ County Clerk--County of Monterey

240 Church Street, PO Box 29

Salinas, CA 93902


Project Title:  Adoption of Ordinance No. 118 Refining Water Distribution System Process, Setting Fees and Authorizing Enforcement


Project Location -- Specific: Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD)


Project Location -- City: service area of MPWMD            County: Monterey   


Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: Ordinance No. 118 clarifies MPWMD Rules and Regulations that govern permit applications for water distribution systems, clarifies and sets fees for related permit processing activity and authorizes enforcement of rules and regulations. The ordinance purpose is to improve clarity on regulatory processes, and what is expected from applicants and District staff.  Beneficiaries are all persons within the MPWMD.


Name of Public Agency Approving Project:  Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: MPWMD


Exempt Status: (check one)

_____ Ministerial (Sec. 15073)

_____ Declared Emergency (Sec. 15269 (a))

_____ Emergency Project (Sec. 15269 (b) and (c))

__X_ Categorical Exemption, 15321(a), Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies 

__X_ Statutory Exemption, Guidelines 15273(a)(1), Rates, Tolls, Fares and Charges


Reason(s) Why Project Is Exempt:  Pursuant to Guidelines 15061(b)(3), Review for Exemption,   Ordinance No. 118 is for the purpose of clarifying regulatory procedures, setting fees and authorizing enforcement of District rules and regulations that relate to water distribution systems.   Findings are included as part of Ordinance No. 118; additional rationale and documentation are provided in staff information packages of November 15 and December 13, 2004 (first and second reading of Ordinance No. 118).   The MPWMD Board at a public hearing on November 15, 2004 determined that Ordinance No. 118 is exempt under CEQA as it clarifies procedures and would not have a physical impact on the environment.


Agency Contact Person  Area Code         Telephone                       Extension

Henrietta Stern                                831                     658-5621                              n/a  



________________________________                               ____________________

David A. Berger                                                        Date

             MPWMD General Manager     



U:\staff\word\boardpacket\2004\2004boardpacket\20041115\PublicHrgs\11\item11_exh11b.doc    Revised 11/2/04