Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

September 13, 2004, 8:15 AM



1.            Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:28 AM in the District Conference Room. 


Committee members present:                 Judi Lehman

Michelle Knight                                                                  


District Counsel present:                       David Laredo


Staff members present:                            David Berger

                                                                    Rick Dickhaut

                                                                    Joe Oliver

Stephanie Pintar

Sara Reyes


2.            Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not listed on the agenda may do so during oral communications.  Public comment on any other matter listed on the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the committee.


No public comment was received.


3.             Items on Board Agenda for September 20, 2004


Authorize Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Facilitation Services by Apex Strategies


General Manager Berger reported on this item.  After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.  Director Edwards was not present at this meeting.


Authorize Expenditure of Budgeted Funds for Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Stand-by Generator Maintenance Agreement with Quinn Engine Systems for Fiscal Year 2004-2005


Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager, gave an overview on this item.  After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.  Director Edwards was not present at this meeting.


Adopt Treasurer’s Report for June 2004


Information for the June Treasurer’s Report was not available in time for this meeting.  This item will be presented to the Committee in October 2004.


Approve Re-Appropriation of Funds for Policies and Procedures Manual Consultant Services


Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager, presented this item to the Committee.  After some discussion, the committee recommended approval 2 to 0.  Director Edwards was not present at this meeting.


4.            Other Business

Review Draft September 20, 2004 Board Meeting Agenda


The Committee discussed the various items scheduled for September 20 and made no changes to the agenda.


5.            Director Comments/Future Items

Schedule October 2004 Administrative Committee Meeting


The next Administrative Committee meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 4, 2004 at 8:15 in the District Conference Room.


6.            Adjournment 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 AM.

