Rules and Regulations Review Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors

March 29, 2004



I.                   Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2 PM in the District library.

Committee members present:                Chair, Judi Lehman

                                                            Larry Foy

                                                            Michelle Knight


Staff members present:              Rick Dickhaut, Acting General Manager

                                                            Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present:                       David C. Laredo


II.                Comments from the Public

No comments.


III.             Action Items

A.                 Develop Recommendation on Modifications to Proposed Ordinance No. 112 – Elimination of Ex Parte Communication Rules

The committee discussed this item and agreed to continue their deliberations to a meeting on April 12, 2004 at 1:30 PM in the District conference room.


During the public comment period on this item, David Dilworth stated that it is important for Directors to disclose ex parte communications due to the serious nature of water issues in this community.  He noted that California Coastal Commission members must also publicly disclose ex parte communications.


B.                 Discuss MPWMD Board Meeting Rules 15 and 18 Regarding Consideration of Consent Calendar Items

The committee recommended that at the April 19, 2004 meeting, the Board make a choice between two options for amending Meeting Rules 15 and 18.  (1) Specify that only Directors may pull items off the Consent Calendar for separate discussion, and during Oral Communications increase the time allowed to comment from 3 to 5 minutes if the speaker wishes to address both an item not listed on the agenda and a Consent Calendar item.  (2) Allow members of the public and Directors to pull items off the Consent Calendar for separate discussion, then defer those pulled items until after the Public Hearing and Action items have been discussed.


                        During the public comment period on this item, David Dilworth stated that the Brown Act requires that the public have the opportunity to comment on every agenda item, and that the Attorney General has recommended that speakers be allowed 5 minutes to comment.  Mr. Dilworth requested that speakers be allowed to comment on pulled Consent Calendar items after District staff has made a presentation on the item.


IV.              Schedule Future Meeting Date

The meeting was continued to Monday, April 12, 2004 at 1:30 PM in the District conference room for further discussion of item III.A.


V.                 Other Items

No discussion.


VI.              Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned a 3:05 PM.


























