Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

February 25, 2004



I.                   Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM in the District Conference Room.


Committee members present:          County of Monterey – Al Mulholland

                                                      City of Del Rey Oaks – Ron Langford

                                                      City of Monterey – Chip Rerig

                                                      Monterey Peninsula Airport District – Thomas Greer

                                                      City of Pacific Grove – Judy MacClelland

                                                      City of Sand City – Steve Matarazzo

                                                      City of Seaside – Diana Ingersoll


Committee members absent:           City of Carmel – Sean Conroy


District staff present:                       Fran Farina, General Manager

                                                      Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                                      Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel present                  David C. Laredo


II.                Comments from the Public

Larry Seaman asked if District staff could provide information on the methodology used by the jurisdictions in 1999 when they developed estimates of future water needs.


III.             Comments by Chair

No comments.


IV.              Action Items

A.     Discuss Water Credit Transfer Program Concepts

B.     Adequacy of Commercial Water Use Factors

C.     CEQA Review of Proposed Transfer Program(s)

Judy McClelland offered a motion that was seconded by Steve Matarazzo to recommend that the water credit transfer rules under Ordinance No. 107 be reinstated.  Those rules were similar to the rules currently in effect, which require the applicant to provide an analysis of the environmental effects of the water credit transfer, however; Ordinance No. 107 specifies that water credit transfers would be approved by District staff.  It would no longer be necessary for the Board to review and authorize each request for a water credit transfer.  The motion was approved unanimously.


During the discussion of the item, the committee members debated as to whether or not an EIR would be required on a new water credit transfer program.  It was suggested that a categorical exemption could be filed, asserting that the program was intended to protect the environment.  The committee members expressed concern about the high cost of  preparing an EIR on a new water credit transfer program, in relation to the small amount of water that could potentially be transferred.  The consensus was that since a water credit transfer program is currently in effect, the District’s resources should be spent on development of a water supply project.  The present water credit program could be improved by incorporating mandatory monitoring of water use at the affected transfer sites, and by specifying that transfers would be approved at the staff level.


V.                 Set Next Meeting Date to Discuss Development of Common Methodology to Estimate Future Water Needs

The committee agreed to meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 9 AM.  The next meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at 9 AM in the District conference room.   At the April 6 meeting, the committee will select a Chair.


VI.              Comments by Technical and Policy Advisory Committee Members

No comments.


VII.           Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM

















