MPWMD Water Supply Project

Project Evaluation Options for CEQA Compliance

March 2004


Potable Water Production

Existing Information

New Information Needed

Estimated Cost and Time







1A.  Sand City Desalination w/ 3 Radial Wells


3,130 AFA

§         all desalination

§         disposal through outfall


§         Treatment plant site analysis

§         Radial well analysis

§         Treated water pipeline analysis

§         MRWPCA brine pipeline analysis


§         Revised physical facilities layout

§         Revised hydro and fisheries analyses

§         Revised water quality analyses

§         Revised construction impacts analyses


CEQA: $25–30 K

Engineering: $5-10 K

Total: $30-40 K


3-4 months


1B. Sand City Desalination w/ 4 Radial Wells


5,600 AFA

§         all desalination

§         disposal through outfall


§         Treatment plant site analysis

§         Radial well analysis

§         Treated water pipeline analysis

§         MRWPCA brine pipeline analysis


§         Revised physical facilities layout

§         Revised hydro and fisheries analyses

§         Revised water quality analyses

§         Revised construction impacts analyses


CEQA: $50–60 K

Engineering: $10-15 K

Total: $60-75 K


4 months


2. Sand City Desalination w/ Radial Wells + ASR


4,600-6,300+ AFA

§         3,900-5,600 desalination

§         700 ASR

§         disposal through outfall

§         Treatment plant site analysis

§         Radial well analysis

§         Treated water pipeline analysis

§         MRWPCA brine pipeline analysis

§         Revised and new physical facilities layouts

§         Revised hydro and fisheries analyses

§         Project-level impact analysis of ASR

§         Site surveys for ASR components


CEQA: $90-150 K

Engineering: $20-30 K

Total: $110-180 K


7 months

3.  Onshore HDD beach well

8,400 AFA

§         8,400 beach well

§         disposal through outfall

§         Treatment plant site analysis

§         Treated water pipeline analysis

§         MRWPCA brine pipeline analysis

§         Description of onshore HDD beach well

§         Project-level impact analysis of beach well, ASR

§         Site surveys for ASR components

CEQA:  $50-60 K

Engineering: $20-30 K

Total: $70-90 K


5 months

4. Onshore HDD beach well + ASR




9,100+ AFA

§         8,400 beach well

§         700 ASR


§         Treatment plant site analysis

§         Treated water pipeline analysis

§         MRWPCA brine pipeline analysis

§         Description of onshore HDD beach well

§         Project-level impact analysis of beach well, ASR

§         Site surveys for ASR components


CEQA: $90-150 K

Engineering: $20-30 K

Total: $110-180 K


7 months


5. Moss Landing Desalination (assumes Peninsula-oriented project)


8,400++  AFA

§         all desalination

§         Production could be higher than 8,400 AFA

§         CPUC Coastal Water Project Report

§         CDM Phase 1 Report

§         Physical facilities layout

§         Updated project costs

§         Site surveys for plant site, pipelines

§         Project-level impact analysis of  all project elements


CEQA: $300-500 K

Engineering: $100-150 K

Total: $400-650 K


18 months


6. Carmel River Dam


8,400++ AFA

§         All Carmel River diversions

§         Production could be higher than 8,400 AFA

§         Mark Group design/cost estimates, 1995

§         Woodward-Clyde Revisions, 1997

§         MPWMD Supplemental DEIR, 1998

§         Revised physical facilities layout?

§         Updated project costs

§         Cultural resources update

§         ESA analyses for frog and steelhead

§         Flushing flows hydrologic study

§         Updated impact analysis


CEQA: $250-350 K

Engineering: $30-40 K

Total: $280-390 K


12-16 months




Revised 3/31/04