1.                  Primary Function 


Annually, the Committee shall review, formulate or update and recommend for adoption a long-term strategic plan of action to achieve the agency’s mission.


2.                  Composition and Structure 


The voting members of the Committee shall consist of the Senior Management Team (the C.E.O. and Division Managers) and three Board members.  A quorum shall exist if there is a majority of staff and at least two Board members.  The Committee may also include non‑voting members.


The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair as necessary to ensure an effective planning process.  The Chairperson of the Committee shall be elected at the first meeting of the Committee in each year.


3.                  Responsibilities 


a)                  The Committee shall establish and follow a planning process that updates and integrates the strategic plan with the annual budget and mission statement.


b)                 The Committee shall provide the Board a quarterly assessment of the effectiveness of our Plan through the use of the Implementation Schedule and the monitoring of financial results.


c) The Committee shall submit recommended changes in the Plan to the Board of Directors for approval.


d) The Committee shall advise the Board on present or future strategic issues that affect the agency. 






NOTE:  This Document is provided for example purposes only. 

It has not been reviewed or approved by MPWMD Board or Staff. 

New\MPWMD Gen 04\Planning Charges