Revised 6/25/2003
Seaside Basin Coastal Subareas Ground Water Production
Reporting Period
Cal-Am Seaside Municipal     Golf Courses   Others   Total
Percentage of Long-Term Yield
   # of wells acre-feet Well #1 Well #2 Well #3 Well #4 Total     Coe Ave. Well Reservoir Well Total  # of wells acre-feet  # of wells acre-feet   RY1993 RY1994 RY1995 RY1996 RY1997 RY1998 RY1999 RY2000 RY2001 WY2002
RY 1993 8 1,819 153 0.00 153 0 305 326 0 326 8 31 19 2,481 57% ASR to MM 5.01 16.54 3.35 1.15
RY 1994 8 2,650 124 0.00 155 0 279 276 0 276 8 29 19 3,234 74% Ghandour 0.00 0.12 0.19 4.46 3.18 0.00
RY 1995 9 2,800 149 0.00 185 0 334 123 0 123 8 22 20 3,279 75% City of Sand 0.47 0.00 0.54 1.40 1.08 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.38 0.57
RY 1996 8 4,429 7 0.00 300 0 307 282 0 282 9 47 20 5,065 116% Parshall-MM 27.15 20.74 18.01 29.06 31.13 27.43 12.60 0.00 23.10 27.85
RY 1997 8 4,651
0.00 310 0 333
0 401 7 63 18 5,448 125% Land Use (mult.) 3.19 3.37 3.31 4.91 4.09 4.05 2.56 2.56 1.56 2.27
RY 1998 8 3,563 10 0.00 241 0 251 305
305 7 32 18 4,151 95% D. Watson 5.00 0.71 304.78
RY 1999 8 3,578
0.00 252 0 252 293 95 387 7 20 19 4,237 97% S. Castaldo 0.00 0.08 251.8921
RY 2000 9 4,013 15 0.00 296 0 311 240 436 676 9 24 22 5,024 115% Robinette 0.00 4.96 0.01 0.02 304.7821
RY 2001 8 3,307 96 0.00 224 0 320 245 377 622 8 37 20 4,286 98% DBO dev25 0.00 11.30 27.02 0.00
WY 2002 8 3,522 0   278 37 315     218
555 6 33 18 4,425 101% 30.81 29.07 21.86 46.67 63.32 31.70 20.41 23.6 36.58 32.65
Notes: LU
1.  Data Source:  MPWMD Annual Water Production Reporting records.   Calabrese 0 1.05
2.  The Reporting Period refers to either the Reporting Year (RY) or Water Year (WY).  The Reporting Years run from July 1 to June 30. Beginning in 2002, the Reporting Period Souza 1.04 0.45
     conforms to the Water Year (i.e., October 1 through September 30). Phillips 0.09 0.14
3.  The long-term yield of the Seaside Coastal subareas is estimated to be 4,375 acre-feet per year.
Schmeltz 0.49 0.16
4.  Readings for City Well #1 were originally reported in cubic feet, but based on 11/27/2002 discussion with Don Betts, those readings should have been reported in gallons.  Numbers here Hutchings 1.57 1.57
     were revised based on this correction. 3.19 3.37
5.  Production from the Coe Avenue well was reported as 251.89 AF for a 10.5 month period (8/14/1997 to 6/30/1998).  MPWMD staff applied monthly non Cal-Am demand factors to estimate
     production from July 1, 1997 through August 13, 1997 as 21% of total, or 52.89 AF.  The value shown for RY 1998 is a combined total of the estimate and the reported production.
6.  Production from the Coe Avenue well was 292.88 AF according to the report filed by the City of Seaside;  this value is based on the difference between the meter readings on 6/30/1999
     (57,693,400 gallons) and 6/30/1998 (62,259,300 gallons), during which time the meter "rolled over" and recorded a total production of 95,343,100 gallons.  Production from the Reservoir well
     was 94.58 AF on the basis of readings made by MPWMD staff on 3/3/1999 and 6/28/1999.
7.  Reports on file from the City of Seaside indicate that production from the Coe Avenue well was 240.10 AF, based on the difference between meter readings on 6/30/2000 (35,928,700 gallons)
     and 6/30/1999 (57,693,400 gallons), during which time the meter "rolled over" and recorded a total production of 78,235,300 gallons.  Production from the Reservoir well was 436 AF during
     RY 2000.  Confirmed with Don Betts on 11/27/2000. 
8.  Coe Ave. well production for RY 2001 is based on difference between 7/31/2001 reading ( 28,662,800 gallons) and 6/30/2000 reading (35,928,700 gallons), during which time the meter
     "rolled over" and recorded a total production of 92,734,100 gallons.  This value was reduced by 14% to factor out the extra month (7/2001), resulting in 244.75 AF.  Reservoir well production is
      based on difference between 6/30/2001 reading (907.518 AF) and 6/30/2000 reading (531.000 AF).
9.  Coe Ave. well production for WY 2002 is based on difference between 10/3/2002 reading (25,554,000 gallons) and 10/1/2001 reading (54,473,700 gallons) during which time the meter "rolled
     over" and recorded 71,080,300 gallons.  Reservoir well production is based on difference between 10/3/2002 reading (373.203 AF) and 10/1/2001 reading (036.000 AF).