Exhibit 3-A



Current Ad-Hoc Committee Noticing Guidelines

Adopted November 24, 2003

Water Demand


Project & Environmental Review

Not a Legislative Body

Public Outreach/Communications


Rules & Regulations Review

Not a Legislative Body

These committees do not meet the definition of a legislative body as defined in the Brown Act.  Notice these meetings as if they do meet the definition of a legislative body.

These committees do not meet the definition of a legislative body as defined in the Brown Act.  Notice them according to guidelines adopted by the Board.

Meetings must be open to the public

The meeting will be open to the public if agenda items affect the public.  (Refer to Closed Sessions.)

Mail and post final agenda 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Agenda mailed and posted at the time it is distributed to the committee members.

Any meeting noticed improperly cannot take place.

Meeting can occur if not noticed.  No legal requirement to notice the meeting.  Meeting can be called at any time, with no public notice. 

Public comment received on all agenda items.

Public comment will be received .

Discuss only items listed on the agenda.

Discussion not limited to items listed on the agenda.  The agenda will contain the following statement, “This meeting is not subject to Brown Act noticing requirements.  The agenda is subject to change.”

Agendas and committee packets posted on District’s web site in advance of the meeting.  Documents received at the meeting will also be posted on the website.

Agendas and committee packets will be posted on the District’s web site in advance of the meeting.  Documents received at the meeting would also be posted on the website.

Closed Sessions – An agenda must be posted 72 hours in advance of meeting.  Brown Act specifies what items can be placed on Closed Session agenda.

Closed sessions -- Any issue related to internal District operations will be discussed in a meeting closed to the public.  Agendas will not be posted or mailed. Agendas and packets will not be posted to web site.  Each committee must develop a definition of what constitutes an “internal” and “external” issue for the purpose of determining whether a meeting should be closed.  Those definitions will be brought to the Board for ratification.  In the absence of adopted definitions, the General Manager will make a determination as to whether or not a closed session is appropriate.

