Table ES-1. Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project                                              Page 1 of 16

Issue Area

Potential Impact

Significance Determination without Mitigation


Significance Determination with Mitigation

Air Quality

AQ-1:  Short-term increase in NOX emissions from well drilling, and construction of desalination plant and pipelines. 


AQ-MM-1a:  Implement NOx-rReducing Construction practices

AQ-MM-1b: Implement NOx-Reducing Construction Practices and Phase Construction

AQ-MM-1c Purchase Emissions Credits


Less than significant


AQ-2: Short-term increase in PM10 emissions from well drilling

Less than significant

None required



AQ-3: Short-term increase in PM10 emissions from well drilling

Less than significant

None required



AQ-4: Short-term increase in PM10 emissions construction of well facility and desalination plants. 

Less than significant

None required



AQ-5: Potential exposure of sensitive receptors near the desalination plant to toxic air contaminants from desalination process

Less than significant

None required


Vegetation and Wildlife

BIO-1: Loss or disturbance of sand gilia and Monterey spineflower. Degradation or loss of habitat for sand gilia and Monterey spineflower.


BIO-MM-4-1:  Conduct Preconstruction and Postconstruction Surveys of the Areas Proposed for Construction

BIO-MM-4-2:  Implement a Dune Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan

BIO-MM-4-7:  Develop a Reclamation Plan for Areas Temporarily Disturbed during Construction Activities


Less than significant


BIO-2:  Direct mortality of Smith’s blue butterfly.  Loss and fragmentation of Smith’s blue butterfly habitat.


BIO-MM-4-1:  Conduct Preconstruction and Postconstruction Surveys of the Areas Proposed for Construction

BIO-MM-4-2:  Implement a Dune Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan

Less than significant


BIO-3:  Potential direct mortality of black legless lizards; potential permanent and temporary loss of black legless lizard habitat; potential degradation of black legless lizard habitat.


BIO-MM-4-3:  Conduct Preconstruction Surveys for Black Legless Lizards, Capture and Release, and
Conduct Construction Monitoring

Less than significant


BIO-4:  Potential disturbance to loggerhead shrike and California horned lark; potential degradation and loss of loggerhead shrike and California horned lark habitat.

Less than significant

None required.



BIO-5:  Potential disturbance to breeding and wintering western snowy plovers; potential temporary loss and degradation of western snowy plover habitat; potential degradation of designated critical habitat for the western snowy plover; potential interference with objectives outlined in the western snowy plover Pacific Coast Population Draft Recovery Plan.


BIO-MM-4-4:  Conduct Preconstruction Surveys for Western Snowy Plovers during the Breeding Season; Implement Timing Restrictions If Necessary

BIO-MM-4-5:  Conduct an Employee Education Program for Construction Workers; Enforce Project Restrictions; and Monitor Construction Activities

BIO-MM-4-6:  Compensate for Disturbance to Western Snowy Plovers and Western Snowy Plover Habitat

Less than significant


BIO-4-6:  Loss or Disturbance of Special-Status Plants That Are Not Listed as Threatened or Endangered


BIO-MM-4-1:  Conduct Preconstruction and Postconstruction Surveys of the Areas Proposed for Construction

BIO-MM-4-2:  Implement a Dune Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan

BIO-MM-4-7:  Develop a Reclamation Plan for Areas Temporarily Disturbed during Construction Activities

BIO-MM-4-8:  Avoid or Minimize Impacts on Special-Status Plants

Less than significant


BIO-7: Introduction of non-native invasive plants (noxious weeds) that could potentially displace native plant communities.


BIO-MM-4-9:  Avoid the Dispersal of Noxious Weeds by Implementing Preventive Measures during Construction 

Less than significant


BIO-4-8:  Potential Direct Mortality of California Horned Lizards; Potential Disturbance of California Horned Lizards; Degradation of California Horned Lizard Habitat

Less than significant

None required



BIO-4-9:  Potential Disturbance to Western Burrowing Owls


BIO-MM-4-10:  Conduct Preconstruction Surveys for Western Burrowing Owl and Implement California Department of Fish and Game Guidelines

Less than significant


BIO-4-10:  Increase in Water Flows in the Carmel River and Concomitant Increase in Riparian Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat

Beneficial effect

None required



BIO-4-11:  Increase in Water Flows in the Carmel River and Concomitant Potential Increase in Nonnative Bullfrog Populations and Decrease in California Red-Legged Frog Populations

Potentially significant

BIO-MM-4-11:  Continue or Expand Implementation of the Informal Bullfrog Eradication Program Currently in Place

Less than significant






Aquatic Resources

AR-1:  Effects on marine organisms as a result of released drilling material


AR-MM-1:  Frac-Out Contingency Plan

Less than significant


AR-2:  Entrainment of fish and other macroorganisms into the seawater collection system

No Impact

None required



AR-3:  Change in primary productivity

Less than significant

None required



AR-4:  Change in the density or community structure of benthic organisms over the subsurface discharge locations

Less than significant

None required



AR-5:  Change in the density or community structure of benthic organisms at the MRWPCA outfall mixing zone boundary

Less than significant

None required



AR-6:  Measurable change in the physical habitat of special-status marine species

Less than significant

None required



AR-7:  Change in the migration patterns of marine fish or wildlife species

Less than significant

None required



AR-8:  Loss of ecological function of designated marine conservation area from brine discharge below the bay floor

Less than significant

None required



AR-9:  Changes in Flows for Upstream Migration of Adult Steelhead

Positive effect.  No adverse effect.

None required



AR-10:  Indirect Effects on Flows for Juvenile Rearing Habitat

Positive effect.  No adverse effect.

None required



AR-11:  Improved Flows for Fall/Winter Downstream Migration

Positive effect.  No adverse effect.

None required



AR-12:  Maintenance of Flows for Spring Emigration

Positive effect.  No adverse effect.

None required







Cultural Resources

CR-1:  Potential for Discovery of Buried Cultural Deposits and Human Remains at Wells, Pipelines, and Desalination Plants


CR-MM-1: Stop Work If Buried Cultural Deposits Are Encountered during Construction Activities

CR-MM-2:  Stop Work If Human Remains Are Encountered during Construction Activities.

Less than significant

Geology, Soils, and Seismicity

GS-1:  Potential short-term increase in erosion resulting from project construction

Less than significant

None required



GS-2:  Potential slope instability resulting from project construction


GS-MM-1:  Implement Bluff Erosion Control Measures.

Less than significant


GS-3:  Potential structural damage and threat to public safety from fault displacement and ground shaking during a seismic event

Less than significant

None required



GS-4:  Potential structural damage and threat to public safety from earthquake-induced liquefaction

Less than significant

None required



GS-5:  Potential structural damage and threat to public safety from earthquake-induced lateral spread

Less than significant

None required



GS-6:  Potential rupture of pipeline and threat to public safety caused by expansive soils and pipeline corrosion

Less than significant

None required







Hydrology and Water Quality

HWQ-1:  Potential contamination of surface waters from runoff  or accidental spills at grading and excavation sites during and immediately following  plant construction

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-2:  Potential contamination of Monterey Bay waters from uncontrolled release of drilling mud during well drilling (frac-out)

Potentially significant

HWQ-MM-2:  Frac-Out Contingency Plan

Less than significant


HWQ-3:  Potential contamination of surface waters from discharge of groundwater pumped from construction sites to facilitate construction

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-4:  Potential surface water contamination caused by runoff from new impervious surfaces

Potentially significant

HWQ-MM-4a:  Sweep Roadways and Parking Lots

HWQ-MM-4b:  Implement BMPs

Less than significant


HWQ-5:  Increase in volume of runoff from new impervious surfaces, leading to increased soil scouring and erosion that contribute to sedimentation of surface waters

Less than  significant

None required



HWQ-6:  Decrease in area available for groundwater recharge, leading to decrease in groundwater supply and quality

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-7:  Operational Phase Water Quality Degradation from Periodic Discharge of Membrane Cleaning Solutions

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-8:  Change in the location and configuration of the groundwater/seawater interface near Seaside Beach from operation of radial collector wells

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-9:  Change in the location and configuration of the groundwater/seawater interface along the Sand City/Seaside coast from operation of HDD collector wells

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-10:  Potential change in water quality in the Seaside Groundwater Basin and on the floor of Monterey Bay offshore of former Fort Ord from operation of HDD brine disposal wells

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-11:  Potential change in water quality at and near the MRWPCA outfall structure in Monterey Bay as a result of brine discharge

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-12:  Changes in streamflows in the lower Carmel River.

Beneficial impact

None required



HWQ-13:  Changes in sedimentation patterns in the lower Carmel River.

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-14:  Potential surface water quality degradation caused by pipeline failure and discharge of brine or ocean water to freshwater bodies

Less than significant

None required



HWQ-15:  Risk of Upset

Less than significant

None required


Land Use

LU-1: Disruption to existing land uses and neighborhoods during construction of the collection and disposal well sites

Less than significant

None required



LU-2: Disruption to existing land uses or neighborhoods during construction of the collection and disposal pipelines

Less than significant

None required



LU-3: Disruption of existing adjacent land uses or neighborhoods during construction of the desalination plant

Less than significant

None required



LU-4: Disruption of existing recreational facilities during construction of the collection and disposal wells, collection and disposal pipelines, and desalination plant


Less than significant

None required



LU-5: Incompatibility with existing adjacent land uses from operation of the collection and disposal well sites


Less than significant

None required



LU-6: Incompatibility with adjacent and future land uses during operation of the desalination facility at Plant Sites 2 and 3

Less than significant

None required



LU-7: Inconsistencies with applicable land use and zoning designations for the well sites, distribution pipelines, and desalination plant

Less than significant

None required



LU-8: Potential inconsistencies with relevant plans and policies for the well sites, distribution pipelines, and desalination plant

Less than significant

None required








NZ-1:  Exposure of noise-sensitive land uses to high levels of noise during construction of the seawater collection and brine disposal wells


NZ-MM-1:  Limit Hours of Construction Activities

NZ-MM-2:  Employ Noise-Control Construction Practices

Less than significant


NZ-2: Exposure of noise-sensitive land uses to high levels of construction-related noise during construction of seawater collection, brine disposal, and treated-water pipelines


NZ-MM-1: Limit Hours of Construction Activities

NZ-MM-2: Employ Noise-Control Construction Practices

NZ-MM-3:  Implement A Noise Control Plan

Less than significant


NZ-3:  Exposure of noise-sensitive land uses to high levels of noise during construction of desalination plants


NZ-MM-1: Limit Hours of Construction Activities

NZ-MM-2: Employ Noise-Control Construction Practices

NZ-MM-3:  Implement A Noise Control Plan

Less than significant


NZ-4:  Exposure of sensitive land uses to high levels of construction-related vibration during construction of radial and HDD wells


NZ-MM-1:  Limit Hours of Construction Activities

Less than significant


NZ-5:  Exposure of sensitive land uses to groundborne vibration during seawater collection, brine disposal, and treated-water pipeline construction


NZ-MM-1:  Limit Hours of Construction Activities

Less than significant


NZ-6:  Generation of noise in excess of 60 dBA Ldn, and a change in noise level relative to design-year baseline conditions of greater than 3 dB at well sites

Less than significant

None required



NZ-7:  Generation of noise in excess of 60 dBA Ldn, and a change in noise level relative to design-year baseline conditions of greater than 3 dB from desalination plant operation


NZ-MM-4. Design Pump Stations to Meet Local Noise Standards


Less than significant






Hazardous Materials

HAZ-1: Expose employees and public to hazardous materials during construction of wells and pipelines


HAZ-MM-1:  Prepare a Health and Safety Plan and Risk Management Plan for Construction Activities on the Former Fort Ord

HAZ-MM-2:  Implement feasible PM10/Dust Control Measures during Construction Activities.

Less than significant


HAZ-2: Potential creation of a hazard to the public and environment from routine use of hazardous materials and/or accidental release of hazardous materials during operation of the desalination plant

Less than significant

None required



HAZ-3: Handling of hazardous materials within ¼ mile of an existing school

Less than significant

None required


Public Services and Utilities

PS-1:  Increase in solid waste generation and construction debris during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plant


Potentially significant

PS-MM-1:  Ensure Proper Disposal of All Demolition and Construction Debris

HWQ-MM-3a:  Sweep Roadways and
Parking Lots


Less than significant


PS-2:  Temporary disruption of existing underground utilities and utility service during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plan

Potentially significant

PS-MM-2:  Coordinate Relocation and Interruptions of Service with Utility Providers during Construction

PS-MM-3:  Protect All Existing Utilities Slated to Remain.

Less than significant


PS-3:  Increased demand for energy from operation of the desalination plant

Less than Significant

None required



PS-4:  Increase of solid waste generation from operation of desalination plant

Less than significant

None required



PS-5: Minor alteration to existing wastewater facilities for operation of brine Disposal Option 2 (connection to MRWPCA outfall)

Less than significant

None required







Traffic and Circulation

TR-1: Temporary traffic increase and potential level of service degradation during construction of pipelines


TR-MM-1:  Prepare and Implement a Traffic Control Plan.

Less than significant


TR-2: Temporary traffic increases and potential for level of service degradation during construction of the wells and desalination plant


TR-MM-1:  Prepare and Implement a Traffic Control Plan.

Less than significant


TR-3: Potential conflict with fixed route Monterey-Salinas Transit Service during construction of pipelines


TR-MM-1:  Prepare and Implement a Traffic Control Plan.

Less than significant


TR-4: Potential pedestrian and bicycle hazards from pathway and bikeway closures or disruption during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plant


TR-MM-1:  Prepare and Implement a Traffic Control Plan.

Less than significant


TR-5: Potential conflict with use of Union Pacific Railroad tracks during construction of wells on former Fort Ord, brine disposal pipelines and desalination site 3


TR-MM-1:  Prepare and Implement a Traffic Control Plan.

Less than significant


TR-6: Potential for increased traffic and level of service degradation from operation and maintenance of the wells and desalination plant

Less than significant

None required



TR-7: Increased parking demand due to operations and maintenance of the wells sites and desalination plant

Less than significant

None required







Visual Resources

VIS-1:  Temporary alteration of scenic views during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plant


Less than significant

None required



VIS-2:  Degrade existing visual character during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plant


Less than significant

None required



VIS-3:  Creation of light and glare during construction of wells, pipelines, and desalination plant

Less than significant

None required




VIS-4: Creation of new visual features and alteration of existing visual character at collection radial well sites

Less than significant

None required




VIS-5: Creation of new visual features and alteration of existing visual character at collection and disposal HDD well sites


VIS-MM-1: Provide Vegetative Buffers on Site to Screen Views of the Well Sites and Parking Areas. 

VIS-MM-2:  Minimize Visually Intrusive Fencing.

Less than significant



VIS-6: Alteration of existing views at desalination plant sites 2 and 3


VIS-MM-1:  Provide Vegetative Buffers on Site to Screen Views of the Well Sites and Parking Areas.

VIS-MM-2:  Minimize Visually Intrusive Fencing.

VIS-MM-3:  Design the Reservoir for Plant Site 2 for Compatibility with Existing Dunes.

VIS-MM-4:  Design the Desalination Facilities at Plant Site 3 for Compatibility with Existing Dune Environment..

Less than significant


VIS-7: Potential Inconsistency with Sand City General Plan and LCP design policies for development west of SR 1 at plant site 3

Less than significant; additional measures

VIS-MM-1:  Provide Vegetative Buffers on Site to Screen Views of the Well Sites and Parking Areas.

VIS-MM-2:  Minimize Visually Intrusive Fencing.

VIS-MM-4:  Design the Desalination Facilities at Plant Site 3 for Compatibility with Existing Dune Environment.

Less than significant


VIS-8: Alteration of existing visual character at reservoir site for desalination plant site 2



VIS-MM-1:  Provide Vegetative Buffers on Site to Screen Views of the Well Sites and Parking Areas.

VIS-MM-2:  Minimize Visually Intrusive Fencing.

VIS-MM-3:  Design the Reservoir for Plant Site 2 for Compatibility with Existing Dunes.

Less than significant


VIS-9: Alteration of existing visual character at desalination plant site 3



VIS-MM-1:  Provide Vegetative Buffers on Site to Screen Views of the Well Sites and Parking Areas.

VIS-MM-2:  Minimize Visually Intrusive Fencing.

VIS-MM-4:  Design the Desalination Facilities at Plant Site 3 for Compatibility with Existing Dune Environment.

Less than significant


VIS-10: Creation of new light and glare at well sites and desalination plant sites


VIS-MM-5:  Incorporate Light-Reduction Measures into the Plan and Design of Exterior Lighting at Well Sites and Desalination Plant Sites.

Less than significant

Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative air quality impacts include short-term increases in NOx emissions from construction equipment exhaust and PM10 emissions from fugitive dust of ground-disturbing activities


Cume-MM-1:  Coordinate with Relevant Local Agencies to Develop and Implement a Phased Construction Plan to Reduce Cumulative Traffic, Air Quality, and Noise Impacts



Cumulative noise impacts during construction include exposure of sensitive land uses to high levels of noise and vibration during construction. 


Cume-MM-1:  Coordinate with Relevant Local Agencies to Develop and Implement a Phased Construction Plan to Reduce Cumulative Traffic, Air Quality, and Noise Impacts



Construction of the wells, pipelines in unpaved areas, desalination plant site 3, and the reservoir at plant site 2 could result in the loss or disturbance to special-status plant and wildlife species or their habitat. 


Cume-MM-2:  Conduct Preconstruction and Postconstruction Biological Surveys for Special-Status Plant and Wildlife Species and Their Habitat for Projects Affecting Undeveloped Dune Habitat; Compensate for Losses and
Conduct Construction Monitoring

Less than significant


Cumulative water quality impacts could include decreased water quality in Monterey Bay from brine or treated wastewater disposal.

Less than significant

None required



There could be a cumulative effect on marine organisms and a loss of ecological function of a designated marine conservation area because minor increases in salinity could affect sensitive life stages of marine organisms.

Less than significant

None required



There would be a cumulative energy effect because desalination and other treatment facilities require a substantial amount of electricity to operate the RO process and pumps. 

Less than significant

None required



The cumulative traffic effect would be increased traffic from employees needed to operate and maintain the facilities because there are roadways and intersections in the project vicinity operating at or below acceptable standards.


Cume-MM-3: Avoid critical intersections during peak hours.

Less than significant


The cumulative noise effect during operation would be from increased noise of desalination plant operation in the vicinity of sensitive receptors. 

Less than significant

None required
