Matrix of Options for Draft EIR on MPWMD Water Supply Project







1.  Receive BRDEIR on 12/15/03 and circulate DEIR for public comment. Complete Phase 2 aquifer reports.

Consultant prepares formal DEIR for public distribution and submits to State Clearinghouse. Board sets workshop and public hearing dates in Jan-Feb 2004, sets written comment period.

Cost: $80,000 (50+30K)

Phase 2 contract is in place and no new funding is needed.

CEQA process moves forward; public and agency input is received sooner.


EIR release may be considered premature if results of current aquifer testing are not included.  EIR may need to be recirculated if new info arises from test results.


2.  Do not receive BRDEIR on 12/15/03. Delay action on EIR until aquifer test reports are finalized in March 2004.


Board delays action on EIR until March 2004 meeting, and determines future action at that time (consider Options 1, 3, 4, 5 or other action in March 2004).

Cost: $50,000 (aquifer reports)

No new funding needed (part of Phase 2 contract).

Best information on feasibility of HDD wells is available for fully informed decisions on EIR.

DEIR circulation is delayed until March-April 2004.

3.  Do not receive BRDEIR on 12/15/03.  Develop new information on 11,000 AFA Sand City desal plant, then circulate Draft EIR to public.



Consultants develop detailed scope of work and cost estimate to assess 11,000 AFA Sand City desal plant; Board considers contract amendment in January 2004. 

Consultants integrate testing results and develop new information on larger desal plant; amend Dec. 2003 EIR for Board receipt in June 2004.

Cost: $185,000 (50+30+105K)


EIR will be considered more complete and will facilitate more direct comparison of Sand City concept to “Plan B” Coastal Water Project as currently proposed. 

Additional $105,000 for engineering and environmental impact for 11,000 AF project; need to do growth analysis; DEIR circulation is delayed until June 2004.

4.  Receive BRDEIR on 12/15/03 and circulate to public.  Also develop 11,000 AF desal information and re-circulate revised DEIR to public.


Combined action in Options #1 and #3.  Circulate Dec. 2003 EIR and also develop new information on larger desal plant.  Revise EIR and recirculate a new Draft EIR again for comment in mid-2004.

Cost: $215,000 (50+30+105+30K)

Early public and agency reaction to Dec. 2003 EIR is received and can be incorporated into revised DEIR in mid-2004.

Two EIR circulation periods increase time and expense; not much gained compared to Option #3.  Additional $135,000 for 11,000 AF desal analysis and second DEIR circulation.


5.  Receive BRDEIR on 12/15/03, but do not circulate.  Direct consultants to complete Phase 2 aquifer reports.


Receive Dec 2003 “Board Review Draft” EIR, but do not circulate for public comment; end CEQA process.

Consultants complete contracted Phase 2 reports (e.g., aquifer field tests carried out in Nov-Dec 2003).

Option 5 reflects desire to not pursue Sand City desalination project.

Cost:  $50,000 (aquifer reports)


Phase 2 contract is in place and no new funding is needed.  BRDEIR and  engineering/geotechnical reports will be available for reference.

Termination of CEQA process stops project option that may be desired in the future.  No benefit from official comment by agencies. Over $1.3 mil expended, but no Final EIR.



U:\staff\word\boardpacket\2003\2003boardpacket\20031215\ActionItems\18\item18_exh18a.doc   revised 12/10/03