ITEM:            CONSENT CALENDAR       




Meeting Date:           December 15, 2003                MPWMD Budget: $51,000 contract limit

                                                                                    Line Item: 2-6-5 ($70,000 budgeted)

Staff Contact:             Henrietta Stern                      Cost Estimate: $0 (no change to limit)


General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item at its December 9, 2003 meeting and recommended approval. 

CEQA Compliance: N/A

SUMMARY:   The Board will consider whether or not to amend an existing contract with Idias Consulting to assist staff with implementation of regulations governing water distribution systems.   Specifically, the Board will consider whether to extend the time period of the contract to June 30, 2004 from December 31, 2003, the current ending date.  There would be no change to the current contract not-to-exceed limit of $51,000. 


The time extension is requested because the consultant has greatly helped staff prepare required documents in a timely manner, and enhanced the completeness and quality of District work products, especially during periods of time when there is competition for staff effort by other projects (e.g., Water Supply Project EIR, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) testing, or Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan).  The major consultant tasks to date have included:


Ø      With oversight by staff, help process and evaluate new applications for a water distribution system permit, with emphasis on completeness of the application and technical, well-related information;

Ø      With oversight by staff, help set production and connection limits for water distribution systems that need a case-by-case review;

Ø      With oversight by the Water Resources Division Manager, write a draft technical procedures guide for applicants and hydrogeologic consultants to use regarding well-related testing and data requirements;

Ø      With oversight by the Project Manager, develop written materials on water distribution system regulations for use by the general public, agency staff and District staff;

Ø      With oversight by the Project Manager, review CEQA documents as they relate to environmental impacts of water systems;

Ø      With oversight by the General Manager, work with Water Demand Division staff to research and consolidate information for Monterey County that compares estimated water use to actual water use in approved subdivisions; recommend ways to ensure an adequate supply of water is available for all legal lots within an approved project.

Specific examples of consultant tasks include, but are not limited to:


Ø      help write technical procedures for well testing and other related data requirements;

Ø      help write completion letters for applications received within the 30-day deadline;

Ø      help write CEQA-based comments;

Ø      help write findings related to capacity of the system;

Ø      evaluating well logs and related data to assess the physical capacity of the water system;

Ø      field visits to well sites;

Ø      conduct research on water distribution system production. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to extend the Idias Consulting contract to June 30, 2004.  As of November 30, 2003, a total amount of $13,832 has been invoiced, representing 27.1 percent of the $51,000 limit.  Even if existing regulations are changed, the District will benefit from the focused assistance by the consultant to address the larger multi-parcel water distribution system applications that are currently in process.  If regulations are changed, the consultant could help staff to write definitive Implementation Guidelines and associated materials to educate the public on revised regulations.   At its December 9, 2003 meeting, the Administrative Committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend approval.


BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION:  At its March 17, 2003 meeting, the Board authorized staff to contract with Idias Consulting to assist in the implementation of water distribution system regulations.  Idias Consulting was selected among three firms that submitted proposals because of Idias’ extensive field experience with wells within the District, extensive local agency experience (Health Department employee), positive comments by references (including two local agencies), previous experience working with MPWMD staff, knowledge of MPWMD regulations and related issues, and lowest average cost per hour ($70).   


IMPACT TO DISTRICT RESOURCES:  There would be no change to the existing $51,000 contract limit for Idias Consulting as the result if this action; only the time limit would be extended from December 31, 2003 to June 30, 2004.  The Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget included $70,000 for this contract (line item 2-6-5), and assumed that additional funds would be needed.  As this is not the case, the $70,000 amount can be reduced at the mid-year budget adjustment.  The use of Idias Consulting has greatly helped staff meet pressing deadlines to comply with CEQA or the State Permit Streamlining Act without compromising work product quality or adversely affecting other high-priority projects such as the Water Supply Project EIR, ASR testing program or Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan. 

