Meeting Date:           October 20, 2003                     Budgeted: N/A

                                                                                    Program/Line Item No.:  N/A

Staff Contact:             Larry Hampson                      Cost Estimate:  N/A


General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


Carmel River Large Woody Debris Inventory:  The District approved a contract with the Watershed Institute at California State University Monterey Bay to document accumulations of large wood along the river between the Carmel River lagoon and San Clemente Dam.  The survey of the river is planned to be completed before the onset of winter rains. 


Carmel River Grant Applications:  MPWMD submitted two grant applications in May 2003 to the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) requesting funds for the following projects: 1) to study potential sites along the Carmel River that would be appropriate for the placement of large wood; and 2) placement of large wood and rock habitat structures in the channel of the Carmel River at Garland Park.  District staff met in the field with biologists representing CDFG to answer questions about these projects.  Approximately $22 million is available in grant funding, but CDFG has received requests totaling $56 million.  Notification of grant awards will be sent out in late January 2004.


Carmel River Watershed Council (CRWC) Coordination:  CRWC requested that MPWMD carry out an assessment of biologic, aquatic, and environmental conditions along the main stem.  District staff expects to present the CRWC's proposal in the form of a contract for services at the October 30, 2003 Board meeting.  The assessment is scheduled to be completed in 2004 and will be available for viewing on the CRWC website.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit for Carmel River Repairs (1998):   District staff began final inspections of streambank repair work carried out by a number of riverfront property owners in 1998 and 1999.  Repairs must conform to requirements in the Corps permit and in River Work Permits issued by MPWMD for reestablishing streamside vegetation, as well as stabilizing streambanks.  Repairs were authorized for 16 separate properties along the Carmel River.  Inspections and a final report to the Corps are anticipated to be completed in fall 2003. 


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit for Carmel River Activities:   MPWMD continues to work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) as part of the formal consultation concerning MPWMD's proposed maintenance and restoration activities in the Carmel River.   In September 2003, NOAA Fisheries expressed additional concerns about proposed activities and is proposing to revise the procedure for coordinating with MPWMD on future projects.  NOAA Fisheries requested additional data concerning steelhead in order to include an incidental take statement in the biological opinion for steelhead.   The permit from the Corps will streamline the normally lengthy process of obtaining Federal authorization for work in the river and will set out a framework for the conduct of such projects.


Carmel River Advisory Committee (Committee):  The Committee held a special meeting on July 24, 2003 to tour the San Clemente Dam and MPWMD Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility.  The Committee held a regular meeting on August 21, 2003. 


MPWMD Web Site:  An introduction to MPWMD’s streambank restoration program along the Carmel River and a photodocumentary of the Schulte Restoration Project were placed on the web.  District staff also added the MPWMD's brochure on protecting and enhancing the Carmel River and the large wood study along the bottom of the Carmel River completed in 2002.  These items can be viewed in the “Programs” section of the District’s web site.





