2003 Carmel River Large Woody Debris Assessment


1.   Contractor:  Foundation at California State University Monterey Bay

2.   Type of Contractor:  Academic (California State University)

3.   Street Address:  100 Campus Center

4.   City:  Seaside

5.   State:  California

6.   Zip Code:  93955

7.   Contact Person:  Cindy Lopez, CSUMB Foundation

8.   Telephone Number:  831-582-3089

9.   Project Title:  Carmel River Large Woody Debris Assessment

10. Funding Request:  $6,000

11. Objective: Prepare a report and GIS product giving watershed managers and resource agencies a precise assessment of the location, habitat context, size, and functions of accumulations of large woody debris (LWD) in the main stem of the Carmel River, Monterey County, CA, from the Carmel River lagoon to San Clemente Dam, where access to private property is arranged by MPWMD. 

12.  Personnel: The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) will contract with the Watershed Institute of CSUMB (Watershed Institute) to perform the assessment and prepare deliverables.  The work will be completed by CSUMB students and Watershed Institute staff under the collaborative supervision of Douglas Smith (Watershed Institute), Larry Hampson (MPWMD), Dave Dettman (MPWMD), Beverly Chaney (MPWMD), and Thomas Christensen (MPWMD).  Field personnel will be trained by MPWMD and CSUMB faculty to rapidly, but reproducibly collect relevant field data. 


13.  Proposed Work: We propose to collect the following data on accumulations of LWD located approximately within the modern bankfull (active) channel:


·        UTM coordinates (+/-1 m where GPS signals are strong enough for handheld GPS receiver),

·        length, orientation, and representative diameter,

·        type of wood where obvious (cottonwood, sycamore, mixture, etc.),

·        condition of wood (waterlogged, dry, rotten, competent),

·        hydraulic habitat (pool, riffle, glide, cascade, channel bottom, side slope),

·        apparent influence on stream morphology (e.g., creating scour hole, armoring bank, potential for bank destabilization, etc.),

·        stability (loose, deeply buried in bank, etc.), and

·        presence of fauna. 


In addition to the data described above, a digital photographic inventory will be made of a small subset of exemplary LWD and accumulations of immediate management concern.  Lastly, time permitting, a small subset of the LWD will be tagged with identifying markings as part of a long term monitoring effort.


13.a.  Deliverables:  Draft and final reports should be provided in a printed format (two copies) and on disc (CD-ROM or DVD) as original files. Original files should be in the following formats:

Report Text:  Microsoft Word (compatible with Word 97), Microsoft Office 2000, or Word Perfect 8

Maps:  Tagged-Image File Format (TIFF) file; format for GIS metadata to be determined.  Data layers shall include: an orthometric photo of the Carmel River (to be provided by MPWMD); locations where data on large wood are collected (represented by an appropriate set of symbols showing size classes); locations of fish population surveys (data to be provided by MPWMD)


14. Work Schedule: We propose to commence work in mid-August 2003.  The finished GIS product and data summaries will be delivered by March 31, 2004.  We will achieve that goal with the following work schedule.

Field data collection:  Late-August through December 2003

GIS product development and data analysis:  November, December, January 2003, February 2004

Written report and GIS product due to MPWMD: March 31, 2004


15.   Milestones:

a) August 30, 2003:  Providing access to private property is the responsibility of MPWMD.

b) September 30, 2003:  Written progress report from Watershed Institute.

c) December 15, 2003:  All field data collected; written progress report from Watershed Institute

d) March 31, 2004:  Final written report and GIS product(s) delivered to MPWMD.


16. Budget:

Primary Investigator salary[1]                                    $ 1,340

Student wages[2]                                                                       $ 3,000

                        Benefits @11%                                    $    477

Materials                    Gasoline                                               $    400

Total Direct Costs                                                                 $ 5,217

Indirect Costs (15% of Direct Costs)                                   $    783

Total budget (Direct +Indirect costs)                                   $ 6,000



17. Payment Schedule:  To be negotiated between CSUMB Foundation and MPWMD

18.  Federal Taxpayer ID #:  77-0387459 (Foundation at CSUMB)

[1].  Approximately 40 professional hours at $33.50/hour

[2].  Approximately 300 student hours at $10/hour


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