Meeting Date:           July 21, 2003                          Budgeted: N/A

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:             Henrietta Stern                      Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval:  N/A     

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A



The purpose of the MPWMD Public Information Program is to more effectively communicate factual information about the District mission, its activities, and water issues to the public.  The following paragraphs highlight activities in the April-June 2003 period.  The next quarterly report will be prepared for the October 2003 meeting.


Public Outreach/Communications Committee -- The current committee members are Directors Molly Erickson, Judi Lehman and David Pendergrass.    The committee focused on working with a consultant (Thom Akeman) to prepare the Spring 2003 newsletter, which was published in June 2003.  The committee and consultant are currently working on the Summer 2003 newsletter.


District Staff Action -- During this reporting period, District staff continued to write news releases on Board action and notable District activities, summarize major District activities each month, answer questions from the media and general public on a variety of subjects, maintain the District website, and other public outreach activities.  Extensive community and media interest was generated this quarter over State Senator Bruce McPherson’s proposed bill (SB 149) to change the governance of the District.   District staff have written regular updates on the progress of the bill as it proceeds through the Senate and Assembly, and has posted these updates to the District website:  District staff held a well-attended quarterly public update on the Water Supply Project EIR in May 2003.   District staff continues to respond to many queries about water distribution system regulations, water availability in Hidden Hills, and other water-related issues through a variety of media (phone, e-mail, letter).  Staff assists the public outreach consultant by providing factual information on a variety of water-related topics.


Several District staff members have been trained on how to post documents to the website and are actively updating information.  A staff website team is working on a comprehensive re-design of the website as time allows. 




H. STERN, DRAFT 1, 07/10/03