Meeting Date:           July 21, 2003                          Budgeted:  Yes

Program/Line Item No.: Service &  

Staff Contact:             Stephanie Pintar                     Supplies

                                    Debbie Martin                       Cost Estimate: $ 4,500



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on July 15, 2003 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:   N/A


SUMMARY:  The District is in the process of replacing the current Win2Data program that allows access to assessor file data/maps regarding owner information and property legal descriptions with the Realquest on-line property data program. Realquest will allow immediate access to current property information and maps for the processing of water permit applications and for verifying ownership when change of title occurs within the District. Realquest also makes available copies of Deed of Trust documents that are required when processing deed restrictions and the property is owned by a trust. Having current property information and access to deed of trust documents will enable District staff to make determinations for toilet rebate applications and to process water permit applications in a more accurate and timely manner. 


RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Acting General Manager to purchase Realquest online property data and Assessor maps from First American Real Estate Solutions at a cost of $4,500 annually.  This purchase will replace the current Win2Data property management program that costs $2,195.00 annually. If approved, this item will be adopted along with the Consent Calendar.


IMPACTS ON STAFF AND RESOURCES:  The Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget includes funds to purchase the Realquest online property data and Assessor maps program.  Funds are budgeted under Services and Supplies for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. (Account No. 6-7550) and are estimated at $4,500. Water Demand staff, Carmel Valley Field Office staff and Water Resources staff will need to participate in a 2-hour on-site training session when the Realquest online program is available.


BACKGROUND:  The District currently receives two data discs per month to update property information under the current Win2Data Property Data and Assessors Map program; one disc is for the District’s main facility, a second copy is for the Carmel Valley Field office. The data is approximately two months outdated when received. Twice yearly, the District receives data discs that update the assessor maps. Water Demand staff, Carmel Valley Field Office staff and Water Resources staff currently use the Win2Data program daily to obtain property information.

