2.         Receive Monterra Ranch Annual Reports for 2001 and 2002


Meeting Date:           June 16, 2003                                     Budgeted: N/A

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:             Joe Oliver                                           Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A



SUMMARY:  As a condition of approval for creation of the Monterra Ranch Mutual Water Company (MRMWC) water distribution system, a comprehensive water monitoring program report is required to be submitted each year, subject to review and approval by the District Board.  The MRMWC water distribution system permit conditions, as originally approved on February 26, 1990 and last revised on March 20, 2000, are provided as Exhibit 2-A.  The  Reporting Year (RY) 2001 report was reviewed at the May 20, 2002 Board meeting, at which time staff was directed to prepare a letter (Exhibit 2-B) to notify MRMWC that the information provided did not meet all the reporting requirements specified in the Conditions of Approval for the MRMWC water distribution system permit.  The revised 2001 report and the report covering the Water Year (WY) 2002 reporting period have been received and distributed to the Board under separate cover.  Copies of these reports are also available for review at the District office.  These reports provide additional information to comply with the MRMWC permit conditions, as requested by the District (Exhibit 2-B). 

RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the 2001 and 2002 annual water monitoring program reports be accepted as fulfilling the requirements of the MRMWC permit conditions.  As a follow up to the 2001 and 2002 report submittals, staff will prepare a letter by June 30, 2003 to clarify the District’s specific requests regarding data reporting and analysis formats, to facilitate the completion and utility of the upcoming WY 2003 annual report.  Accordingly, if there are any Board requests regarding these reports or clarifications needed for future reporting, these should be provided to staff by June 24, 2003.  These reports will be accepted if this item is adopted along with the Consent Calendar.


BACKGROUND:  Creation of the MRMWC was originally approved by the District Board on February 26, 1990, and conditions have been amended on several occasions since that time at the request of the system owners. The current MRMWC system approval is for a system capacity (production limit) of 203.1 acre-feet per year (AF/yr), and an expansion capacity limit (number of authorized connections) of 286.  The water supply for the subdivision is from individual wells on the Monterra Ranch property, that are drilled into the fractured shales of the Monterey Formation. Because the water produced directly from the active supply wells does not meet all State Title 22 drinking water standards, the water is treated for removal of excess dissolved solids at the onsite reverse-osmosis (RO) water treatment plant.

A summary of water production, delivery and connection data from the 1996 through 2002 MRMWC report materials and supporting data is provided as Exhibit 2-C.  As shown, well water production for the most recent reporting period, WY 2002, totaled 166.4 acre-feet (AF).  The system capacity (i.e., production limit) for the MRMWC system is 203.1 AF per year.  RO plant production in WY 2002 was 27.77 AF, and the RO plant brine reject was 3.90 AF, 14 percent of RO plant production.  Metered consumption (i.e., water delivery) from the RO plant for WY 2002 was 26.21 AF, and consumption losses (i.e., unaccounted water losses) were six percent. The difference between well production and RO plant production (138.63 AF) for WY 2002 represents non-potable uses for irrigation and construction.  Water connections for WY 2002 totaled 68, of which seven were temporary construction connections.  The expansion capacity limit (i.e., maximum number of connections) for the MRMWC system is 286.  Additional information regarding operations and analysis of the MRMWC water monitoring data are provided in the 2001 and 2002 annual reports.


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES: District staff time for review of the MRMWC annual report is partially defrayed by the annual $1,000 environmental review fee as included in Condition No. 17 of the MRMWC permit.  This payment has been received for the WY 2002 reporting period.


