Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

May 14, 2003



1.                   Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:22 AM in the District conference room.  Director Lehman announced this meeting was a continuation of the May 12, 2003 Administrative Committee meeting.


Committee members present:

Alvin Edwards

Molly Erickson

Judi Lehman


Staff members present:

Fran Farina

Rick Dickhaut

Cynthia Schmidlin

Sara Ramos


2.                   Oral Communications

No comments were presented.


3.                   Items on Board Agenda for May 2003


A.         Consider Authorization of Funds to Employ Consultant to Promote Resolution 2003-01

Director Edwards asked if this item had been discussed and approved with legal counsel.  Director Erickson requested the staff note be modified to include legal counsel’s review and approval.  The committee approved this item on a 3 to 0 vote.


B.         Consider Authorization of Funds for November 4, 2003 Vote

Staff reported that this item is being presented to the committee due to the fiscal impact if the Board decides to present a special issue to the full public for the November ballot.  The committee agreed this item should be discussed by the full Board at its next meeting scheduled for May 29.  The committee approved this item on a 2 to 1 vote. 


C.         Proposals for Recruitment of General Manager

The committee continued discussion on this item from the May 12, 2003 Administrative committee meeting.  The District received a total of seven proposals.  The committee selected 2 proposals to research further and requested that staff contact the consultant referred by Director Lindstrom with a deadline of 12:00 PM on Thursday, May 15, to submit 10 copies of his proposal.  The Board will receive copies of all the proposals received by the District with their May 19 meeting packets.  It was suggested that the Board focus on the 2 selections made by the committee.  Staff concurred with the committee’s selection.  This item will be discussed by the full Board at the May 19, 2003 Board meeting.


4.                   Status Reports

        No discussion.    


5.                   Other Business



6.                   Director Comments/Future Items



7.                   Adjournment

        The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 AM.
