Exhibit 13-E










APRIL 21, 2003


It is hereby found and determined as follows:


1.      FINDING:      Bruce Zanetta and Therese Beauclair are requesting a variance from District Rule 24-C, Table I: Residential Fixture Unit Count (amended by Resolution 2001-09 on July 16, 2001) to allow credit for twelve showerheads installed at their home at 69 Via Cimarron, Monterey.


EVIDENCE:   Application for Variance attached as Exhibit 13-A.


2.      FINDING:      In 1999, the applicant obtained a water permit under the then-current rules to install six new showerheads in an existing bathroom.


EVIDENCE:   MPWMD Water Permit #17595 attached as Exhibit 13-D.


3.      FINDING:      The City of Monterey building department finalized its building permit (#B990292 for the installation of six showerheads at 69 Via Cimarron, Monterey) on March 16, 2000.


EVIDENCE:   Records on file at the City of Monterey Building Department.


4.      FINDING:      The District finalized its Water Permit #17595 by a District inspection on March 22, 2000.  The District’s inspection verified the installation of six showerheads that met the District’s water conservation standards.


EVIDENCE:   MPWMD inspection report affixed to Water Permit #17595 (Exhibit 13-D).


5.      FINDING:      Any new water permit application submitted to the District would be processed according to the District’s current Rules and Regulations.


EVIDENCE:   District Rules 20, 23 and 24, on file at the District office.


6.      FINDING:      The applicants proposed remodel includes the addition of a master bathroom (two lavatory sinks, toilet, tub and shower), utility sink, vegetable sink, and second lavatory sink in the existing bathroom.  There are 9.7 new fixture units in the remodel described in the variance application.


EVIDENCE:   Application for Variance attached as Exhibit 13-A.


7.      FINDING:      The District has not received a complete water permit application for the remodel discussed in the variance application attached as Exhibit 13-A.


EVIDENCE:   Records on file at the District offices.


8.      FINDING:      District Rule 24-C, Table I: Residential Fixture Unit Count, as amended by Resolution 2001-09 on July 16, 2001, disallows water credits for more than two showerheads in a shower stall. 


EVIDENCE:   District Rule 24-C, Table I: Residential Fixture Unit Count District, attached as Exhibit 13-B and finalized minutes from the July 16, 2001 Board meeting attached as Exhibit 13-F.


9.      FINDING:      The applicant has the ability to offset the 9.7 fixture units requested in the variance application by adding the second bathroom under Ordinance No. 98 (the second bathroom ordinance), installing a low-flow washing machine and dishwasher, an instant-access hot water system, installing two 2-liter toilets or one 2-liter toilet and one 1-gallon toilet, and removing the six showerheads. 


EVIDENCE:   The above stated water fixtures add up to either 9.8 fixture units (using one 2-liter flush toilet and one 1-gallon flush toilet) or 10.1 fixture units (using two 2-liter flush toilets).  These calculations are on file at the District offices.


10.  FINDING:      The City of Monterey does not limit the number of water fixtures allowed in an existing residence when any added water fixtures are offset using either District Rule 24-C (adding a second bathroom to an existing single-family dwelling unit) or by retrofitting appliances or receiving other conservation incentives to offset new fixtures.  The City of Monterey’s fixture unit limit applies only to new construction and remodels that request water from the City’s water allocation.


EVIDENCE:   Telephone conversation between Stephanie Pintar, MPWMD Water Demand Manager and Todd Bennett, Associate Planner for the City of Monterey, on April 14, 2003.


11.  FINDING:      There is no basis to grant a variance to the applicant to allow water credit for multiple showerheads.


EVIDENCE:   The above stated facts.

