Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget  
April - June  2003  
Proposed Cal-Am Production Values in Acre-Feet  
Assuming Below Normal Inflow Conditions  
  Apr-03 May-03 Jun-03   Oct-02- Feb-03 Percent  
San Clemente Reservoir 42 22 0   91 1.8%  
Carmel Valley Aquifer              
   Upper  50 51 50   191 3.7%  
   Lower 817 982 1,027   3,702 71.8%  
Seaside Coastal Basin 300 350 450   1,143 22.2%  
       -- Production 1,209 1,405 1,527   5,126    
       -- Seaside Injection 0 0 0   29    
Total 1,209 1,405 1,527   5,155 100.0%  
1.  The Budget reflects below normal inflow conditions and is based on the expectation that the April-June 2003 inflows at San Clemente Dam will be equal to the reconstructed inflows exceeded 75% of the time during the 1902-2002 period.   
2.  The period for reporting corresponds to the Water Year, which begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year.  
3.  Anticipated annual production is based on annual Cal-Am production of 15,285 acre-feet from the Cal-Am system, including 4,000 AF from the Seaside Basin, and 11,285 AF from the Carmel River Basin.  Monthly production was calculated by multiplying total annual production times the average fraction of annual production for each month (based on production data from 1988 to 1997).  
4. Anticipated production for Seaside Injection is based on average diversion rate of 2 to 4.5 cfs from the Carmel Valley sources.  Total monthly Cal-Am production includes water for municipal demand and for injection into the Seaside Basin.  
5.  If diversion at San Clemente Dam cannot be maintained at expected levels during April and early May 2003, the remainder of production can be met from wells in the upper Carmel Valley Aquifer.  This is based on the expectation that flows will exceed expected levels.  If flows are less than anticipated, the California Department of Fish and Game, MPWMD, NOAA Fisheries, and the California-American Water Company will meet to negotiate an appropriate operation schedule.  
6.  The proposed Cal-Am production in Carmel Valley is based on the assumption that the water surface elevation in San Clemente Reservoir is draw down to elevation 515, beginning on May 15, 2003.