Carmel Valley Aquifer Sample Collection Date:  October 24, 2001
Seaside Basin Sample Collection Date: October 25, 26, 2001
Units are milligrams per liter unless otherwise noted.
Water Quality Constituent   Specific Conductance (micromhos/cm) Total Alkalinity   (as CACO3) pH Chloride Sulfate Ammonia Nitrogen (as NH3) Nitrate Nitrogen (as NO3) Total Organic Carbon Calcium Sodium Magnesium Potassium Iron Manganese Orthophosphate
Drinking Water Standard (1)   900 1600 2200 (2) NA NA 250 500 600 (2) 250 500 600 (2) NA 45 NA NA NA NA NA 0.3 0.05 NA
Sampling Location River Mile                            
Carmel Valley Aquifer
16S/1W-14Jh (shal) 0.07 7310 174 7.2 2120 353 1.00  <1 3.9 107 1170 125 36 2.25 0.32  <0.03
16S/1W-14Jf (inter) 0.07 22000 158 7.0 7530 1090  <0.05  <1 1.6 220 3900 44 123 8.1 0.37  <0.03
16S/1W-14Jg (deep) 0.07 2140 264 7.5 500 110  <0.05  <1 2.9 81 247 50 7.1  <0.1 0.31 0.54
16S/1W-13Mc (shal) 0.31 715 192 7.4 6.3 87 0.64  <1 2.1 72 51 19 2.6 2.27 0.46  <0.03
16S/1W-13Mb (inter) 0.31 857 232 7.6 91 78 0.90  <1 2.1 73 65 20 2.6 0.31 0.36 0.32
16S/1W-13Md (deep) 0.31 738 258 7.3 83 1 3.40  <1 4.1 51 55 25 5.8 1.8 0.17 1.61
16S/1W-13Lb (shal) 0.65 1350 250 7.1 144 289 0.41  <1 3.3 130 94 40 4.0 3.2 0.71  <0.03
16S/1W-13La (inter) 0.65 826 220 7.4 84 90 0.87  <1 2.5 86 58 23 2.7 2.27 0.56 0.09
16S/1W-13Lc (deep) 0.65 920 180 7.4 97 146 0.46  <1 2.0 64 98 16 3.8 0.38 0.45 0.47
16S/1E-17J4 3.85 595 88 6.8 47 128 0.18  <1 1.5 55 44 17 2.6 0.36 0.07  <0.03
16S/1E-17R2 3.86 983 188 6.9 73 214 0.30  <1 3.9 103 73 21 2.8 4.3 0.21  <0.03
16S/1E-23E4 6.53 1060 248 7.2 94 174 0.10  <1 2.1 106 88 22 1.9 2.89 0.62  <0.03
16S/1E-23La 6.72 452 102 7.0 35 72 0.08  <1 1.0 42 35 12 2.5 1.32 0.21  <0.03
16S/1E-24N5 8.02 539 136 7.2 39 77 0.11 1 1.1 54 42 12 2.2  <0.1 0.06 0.03
Seaside Basin
15S/1E-15N3 (shal) 308 66 8.1 44 17 0.06  <1 <0.2 21 37 4 3.8 0.05  <0.03  <0.03
15S/1E-15N2 (deep) 968 238 8.4 145 43  <0.05  <1 0.4 86 103 15 4.7 0.03 0.07  <0.03
15S/1E-23Ca (shal) 780 220 8.6 106 39  <0.05 5 0.6 106 74 15 4.6 0.75 0.11  <0.03
15S/1E-23Cb (deep) 1240 310 8.4 163 115  <0.05  <1 1.2 108 111 25 7.1  <0.1 0.09  <0.03
15S/1E-15F1 (shal) 308 66 8.1 46 11  <0.05 4 0.3 24 34 5 2.7  <0.1  <0.03  <0.03
15S/1E-15F2 (deep) 960 224 8.2 146 42  <0.05  <1 0.5 90 103 17 5.2 1.25 0.11  <0.03
15S/1E-15K5 (shal) 302 64 8.1 49 8  <0.05 2 <0.2 22 38 5 2.7 2.07 0.06 0.03
15S/1E-15K4 (deep) 880 224 8.3 126 43  <0.05  <1 0.4 78 99 13 4.6 0.46 0.12  <0.03
15S/1E-11Pa (shal) 325 64 8.1 54 12  <0.05  <1 0.3 23 40 4 3.6  <0.1  <0.03 0.05
15S/1E-11Pb (deep) 425 92 8.2 68 14  <0.05 1 0.2 32 49 4 3.8 <0.1  <0.03  <0.03
15S/1E-12Fa (shal) 365 72 8.1 57 16  <0.05 1 0.2 24 44 6 2.0 <0.1  <0.03  <0.03
15S/1E-12Fc (deep) 372 80 8.2 60 13 <0.05 1 0.4 25 46 6 2.6 0.48 0.09 0.04
 (1)   Maximum contaminant levels are from California Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations, Title 22, 1977.
 (2)   The three values listed for certain constituents refer to the "recommended" level, the "upper" level, and "short-term use" level, respectively.