Text Box: 2004 Annual Report
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Text Box: MPWMD Board Sets New Strategic Vision for 2004-05
In September 2004, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) Board of Directors set a new strategic vision for the District that emphasizes collaboration with other agencies toward water supply solutions that are fiscally and environmentally responsible.  The Board also identified a series of actions to support objectives that address water supply and community and fiscal issues.  The overall goal is to be more effective and responsive to the public.  Examples of objectives include:
Ø Increase community partnerships and collaboration;
Ø Improve public understanding of MPWMD role and responsibilities;
Ø Identify and assess long-term water supply options such as desalination, and MPWMD’s role in implementation;
Ø Move forward on near-term aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) project;
Ø Develop Seaside Basin Groundwater Management Plan; 
Ø Streamline water distribution system permit process;
Ø Simplify water connection permit procedures and ensure policies are consistent;
Ø Communicate and educate local jurisdictions and the public about permits; 
Ø Expand and continue to improve successful conservation program;
Ø Continue successful environmental programs to protect Carmel River resources; 
Ø Make budget more user-friendly to Board and public.
Ø Assess how to make internal procedures more efficient and cost-effective.
The District strives to achieve these objectives through Board approval of new policies, procedures, and funding of priority projects, as well as diligent effort by staff to carry out Board direction.

1. Will strive to serve as a catalyst in collaboration with public and private entities for environmentally responsible solutions that result in a reliable and legal water supply; and
2. Shall be fiscally responsible, professionally and publicly respected leader in managing water resources.
The mission of the MPWMD is to manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment.

Text Box: Date:         Thursday, August 25, 2005
Place:         Embassy Suites,
              1441 Canyon Del Rey, Monterey
Time:         5:00 PM – View displays that describe    water supply project options.  Speak one-on-one with project proponents.
6:30 PM – Presentations and panel discussion on water supply project options. Ask questions about projects such as seawater desalination, aquifer storage and recovery, the purified recycled water process, and others.

Text Box: The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District invites you to its Town Hall meeting to learn about proposed solutions to the local water shortage.
Prior to August 19, Email your questions to townhall0825@mpwmd.dst.ca.us. We will try to address all questions at the meeting. There will be no written responses to individual questions.

Text Box: You’re Invited to a Town Hall Meeting!